Looking for offers:
+6 con ring
70 dura 8 hardness
Leave offers here or PM me.
Ill let this run a couple days.
Looking for offers:
+6 con ring
70 dura 8 hardness
Leave offers here or PM me.
Ill let this run a couple days.
Are u looking just for plat or items?
Takeda Postman Photius Validosius Aginor Valentinian Valentoon Patrel Belisarius Uprite Upright Agathius Khusrau Anshar Tenor Menander
I've got one as well. Available for only the following:
(not to jack your post bro... figured might as well rather then flood the forums)
Large ingredients (make offer as to how many)
Firestorm Greaves
Disease immunity Ring of Protection + 5
*** Dirth..... "might as well" jack someones post?
Scourge of Xoriat (RIP: Guardians of Light)Originally Posted by Gelatinous Cube
Looking for
Ill take large ingreds but dont "need" any.
Hi. I am interested in your ring. please take a moment to look at my store and see if anything catches your fancy. I'd be willing to part with 2, maybe 3 things depending on what they are. If you see something you like post a reply on my store.
Link: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=141229
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