OK been all over the forums trying to find a reason to make 1 of my 3 chars my main and play em up.
I have a lvl 4 Dwarf Cleric 3c/1f twf axes(very much pwnage and fun)
A lvl 4 WF Warchanter 3 Bard/1Barb(at least thats what I'd like it to say and not show up as 1 barb/3 bard...) but anyways I love this build UMD is fun and I hit like a Truck with a +15 attack at lvl 4.
Last but Not least my Battlesorc lvl 3 WF Sorc.
I also like Being a WF =) (down with fleshlings)
I like all 3 of em but I need to pick one to play up, now which one should I max out first(and have the most fun), I also Duo/grp alot with my dad who plays mostly tanks fleshlings and a WF.
Play Style is I want to do it all(lol) well just 3 things(maybe 4) I love to hit **** with my big axe and kill it, Also enjoy casting a spell at a enemy and killing it(doesn't it feel good to mow down a few kobbys with a lightning bolt) and I like to Heal/Buff. And I have finally relised(sp) that 2 handed fighting>twf unless ya playing a pure tank(which I never will).
So anyone with some Advice or Exp they could shot at me will be well thanked =)
Also thinking at the end of this I could reroll my cleric into a WF and do 2 weapon fighting but not to sure after I just wrote this sentence....
Class Confused Warforge