I saw on kyber marketplace a whole set going for just a +2 dex tome and a +6 con item
so for 4 pages I will not give up a +2 tome but here are things I will trade to acquire tome pages (you of most likely get more then 1 thing)
-Wizardry 5 ring
-+6 con necklace
-Chaos Guard
-Planar Gird
-+6 strength belt
-+30% striding boots
-+30% striding ring
-+6 int goggles
-Ring of the Ancestors
-+1 vorpal great sword of shatter +2
-+1 vorpal long sword of deception
-+1 vorpal great sword of deception
-+1 vorpal great axe
-+1 banishing heavymace of maiming
-+2 banishing quarter staff
-+2 paralyzing heavy xbow
-+1 paralyzing quarter staff
-+1 paralyzing shortsword
-+2 paralyzing club of shattermantle (rr:drow/elf)
-+1 seeker club of smiting
-+1 heavy xbow of disruption
-+2 vicous great club of disruption (rr:drow/elf)
-+1 crippling handaxe of greater evil outsider bane
-+2 ghost touch great sword of greater undead bane
-+4 great axe of greater gnoll bane
-+4 lesser fire guard mithral fullplate of shield of faith
-shield piece #6
-+1 int tome
-+1 dex tome
-+2 mithral deathblock fullplate of lesser sonic resistnace
-+4 mithral breastplate
*note* I also have a bit of plat I can add to the deal
*another note* If you don't have all 4 pages I would still love to trade for 1-3 pages