Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.
Wow, you're just making yourself look funnier the more you keep it up. The very idea of running The Shroud with fewer than 6 people hitting the boss at once is painful to me.
As an example:
1 wizard
3 clerics
1 bard
1 paladin
2 ranger
1 barbarian
2 rogue
1 fighter
12 tanks hitting Arraetrikos all at once = 120 seconds until phase 4 victory, or 190 seconds until phase 5 victory
and you seriously have these melee in part 4? even the best built rangers and rogues will have barely 300-350hps with 2-3 rages...thats one or two hits on elite, how much does your cure serious do? maximized mines barely 100 with all the enhancements and items on a non-crit...not gonna keep them up fast enough
oh wait, you probably do it on normal...that makes sense
Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.
also wondering how you do 190 seconds without bugging him, especially because it takes 30 seconds for him to rez you and at least 2 minutes to take down the lieutenants...that's 150 seconds right're saying you can kill the fiend (even on normal) in 40 seconds?
edited cause i'm bad at math
Last edited by JFeenstra; 04-19-2008 at 09:48 PM.
Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.
Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.
must be a guild thing
guess every one of them has their secrets
Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.
We don't need it. There's no circumstance in DDO where the lack of a cost-effective Mass Cure Critical Wounds is a real problem.
Surely at some point in the future they'll release a way to get Greater Devotion VIII, but until then it isn't useful to use that spell. You'd be spending more mana and more cooldown for less healing.
That's part of that spell point system problem. When you can just spam a handful of spells those spells quickly become the only ones "worth casting".
In PnP you actually have to rely on lower level spells, or be clever in using spells that you still have available. You start thinking alot more strategically when you only have two or three Heal spells available....and can't just buy 100 scrolls of it at the local scroll store.
The downside of power bloat and excessive hit points is you have to spam Heal spells. It's a vicious cycle.
Back to the original topic. I'm not suggesting a complete refit for clerics. Simply give someone building the cleric a chance to build one focused on Negative energy instead of positive. Just because clerics have healing spells doesnt mean they can only be healers. Who remembers Darkschneiders Necro builds? Fantastic offensive casting clerics. Nice DPS and always useful. It's similar to have a pair of casters except one of them COULD heal if they absolutely had to but otherwise they're doing DPS and Crowd Control.
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