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  1. #1
    Community Member gelgoog's Avatar
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    Lightbulb shield block needs a bit of improvement.

    first off the mobs need to shield block a lot more.
    would make mobs with shields more fun to fight.

    but, onto my main point.
    a shield block should be quick.
    a shield block should cancel all other animations.
    i understand that to cancel a swing with a block in real life is hard to do....but with 30-34 in ddo strength i think we can stop our swings
    maybe even add an animation a la 300 movie spin and a block animation?

    a block should not stop the attack chains as well.
    so i swing block 2nd attack swing block 3rd attack swing and so forth.

    also, shield bash should have a good chance to stun or trip, depending on size of mob.
    improved shield mastery should increases odds and damage by 1d10 for shield bash.

    since i'm writing about it if you block an attack maybe have a 5 percent chance to counter the mobs attack and make them unbalanced ? maybe with a feat.

    fighting mobs that block and can counter our attacks blocking, having rogues attacking the shield blocking mobs from behind .....would be cool to see i think. instead of swinging wildly....crazy barbarians.

    Last edited by gelgoog; 04-16-2008 at 10:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    You can use Stunning Blow and Trip while Shield Blocking now, along with most of the combat feats - even Smite Evil. Just hotkey the combat feat, block, hit the hotkey. It's a lot of fun with an intimitank & a Shield of Bashing.
    I don't think there should be a change where it happens automatically with a shield bash, however. Nor do I think blocking should allow the attack chain to continue uninterrupted... you stop attacking to block, so an interruption makes sense.

    I would agree that Improved Shield Mastery would be nicer if the damage went up to 1d10, since it costs a feat.
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  3. #3
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Not to mention that shields should either get a weapon-style feat to go with them (Improved Crit Range - Shield) or fall under Bludgeoning weapons for bashing purposes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  4. #4
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    My dream is to open one of the doors that we often shield block and be surprised to see an Ogre shield blocking for the Ogre Shaman spamming spells. Be too funny....

    As for the attack chains, there shoudn't even be a progression with additional bonuses. I think that was a give-up attempt to stop people from using the old attack speed exploit.
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  5. #5
    Community Member gelgoog's Avatar
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    Default lol

    parvo that would be cool to see mobs shield blocking the doors like pcs.

    yeah i forgot about that glitch in that was a long time ago.

    menmir i do dig tripping and stunning mobs with shields...looks cool i think.
    but a passive 5 percent chance of tripping or stunning on bashing isn't all that overpowered i think?
    would get that "oh wow" reaction.

    agreed blue ...agreed

    thanks for reading


  6. #6
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Overpowered - probably not. Just unnecessary in my opinion.
    The benefit of Shield Blocking is to boost your AC and DR while doing so - and I feel that the ability to use most combat feats while blocking is plenty generous as it is. I think that if you want your shield bash to trip or stun - invest the enhancements and feats into being able to do so.

    Shield Bashing already has a lot built in benefits, imho; and giving all shield bash attacks a gratis Weighted and Vertigo property is uncalled for.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Gadget2775's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parvo View Post
    As for the attack chains, there shoudn't even be a progression with additional bonuses. I think that was a give-up attempt to stop people from using the old attack speed exploit.
    Initially DDO followed PnP combat progression, reducing the attack bonus for additional attacks made during each round...Players didn't like taking the negative to hit so they wouldn't use the full attack chain. The bonus to later attack swings is an incentive to follow through with the entire attack chain.
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  8. #8


    There is should be more shields with Bashing, and if they do, they should also be able to come with other effects (Flaming, Weighted, Stunning, Acid Burst, etc.). I'd love to see some builds based around shield bashing.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ustice View Post
    There is should be more shields with Bashing, and if they do, they should also be able to come with other effects (Flaming, Weighted, Stunning, Acid Burst, etc.). I'd love to see some builds based around shield bashing.
    Just a note on this. You can Trip/Sunder/Stunning Blow with a Shield Bash. You can also carry a weapon of Vertigo/Shatter/Weighted to improve the combat feat attempt with Shield Bash. Likewise, Weighted 5% in main hand or off-hand applies to every attack you do and you don't even need Stunning Blow. But, yes. I would like to see more offensive shield affixes and shields included in WF: and WS: Bludgeon.

  10. #10
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    If they give mobs shield blocking then hopefully they wont be able block while fascinated, held etc
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  11. #11
    Community Member Akhad_Durn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Overpowered - probably not. Just unnecessary in my opinion.
    The benefit of Shield Blocking is to boost your AC and DR while doing so - and I feel that the ability to use most combat feats while blocking is plenty generous as it is. I think that if you want your shield bash to trip or stun - invest the enhancements and feats into being able to do so.

    Shield Bashing already has a lot built in benefits, imho; and giving all shield bash attacks a gratis Weighted and Vertigo property is uncalled for.
    I agree, freebie added combat feats isn't a good thing.

    They could just start adding the Weighted and Vertigo properties to shields. As it is now the most common of the shield properties (sacred, and ghost touch) are basically just vendor fodder.
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