Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!
Just opened up their servers to 35 maximum slots per server.
10 of which you can purchase for a one time fee of 9 dollars.
That's awesome. In addition to that you get a character slot for every year you have played the game ala veteran rewards.
wait...I just spent $10 for 5 more slots.
And yes
There is certainly precedent for this to work. I use Case's Ladder as an example, where there are 3 levels of membership. A "gold" account guarantees customer service replies within 24 hours, "Platinum" within 12 hours, and "Diamond" within 6 hours. I'm not saying that I would like to see Turbine do this, but there are certainly business models out there that use it............
Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson
I like both Cowdenicus and Aesop's ideas. But let's look at the pricing for a moment.
If you had created a 2nd account during the anniversary pricing special, you could have gotten 7 slots for $9.99 a month. 3 slots for $4.99 a month seems a little high ($60 per year). Keeping in the spirit of one-time fee Premium services, the $14.99 for permanently adding one slot seems fair. $44.97 for 3 slots, permanently added to your account seems a very good long-tem investment for players and a good short-term cash generator for Turbine.
I agree with Uska. This is a true slippery slope.
First it is $X for extra character slots. Then it is $Y for reduced raid dungeon reset clock time. It just escalates.
If you are so tired of your characters that you don't want to play them anymore and want to make new ones, perhaps it is time to delete an existing character?
Who says I dont play the characters?
Maybe some of us like to keep a wide spread of classes and levels. Maybe Cow likes to play so much he already has characters on all 5 servers. Maybe Cow already owns multiple accounts and doesnt want to start a third account. Maybe Cow just wants a few more character slots for fun.
Maybe Cow believes that Turbine Premium Services wont have anything to do with raid timers, and that you are putting in worthless arguments to pad your post count.
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
Do You seriously think this would ever be implemented? seriously? And, no, I don't want to delete any of My characters at the moment, so Paying X dollars for X slots (and I am thinking that a one time fee is better than a recurring fee) would, IMO, be the best thing since sliced bread. I like to experiment, and I don't have enough slots to try all the characters I would like to. Why would paying more for more slots affect anyone else in any way? If players don't want to do it, they can choose to not pay. What's the problem?
Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson
I like the idea but the only possible issue (as someone else pointed out) is downgrading an account.
One solution is to simply not allow downgrading the account until it has the proper number of slots. As long as you have more than X number of characters you will be billed the extra slot charge.
Another solution is a one time charge to increase your number of slots.
I'm not sure I'd use this service but it would be nice to know it's available. I'd be more likley to use it if it was a one time fee but I think it would be better for Turbine as a monthly fee.
Last edited by FluffyDucky; 04-18-2008 at 04:05 PM.
The idea that they would just keep billing you the higher amount until you had deleted characters would get them in a LOT of trouble. Regardless of their reasoning they are likely to have people just quit the game then deal with that sort of mess. A one time fee is basically the only way to do it without running into too many issues. If you are going to add to the monthly fee the service added needs to be something that can be removed without making the game unplayable and would need to be more of a perk then a needed feature.
Personally I kind of hate monthly fees and would prefer to have the option to pay a single large sum for a lifetime membership. Then I would not have to worry about the price going up or having my credit card always having a balance on it from a random charge. If I find I like a game and would be planning to play for over a year a single fee that is more then a couple years worth of monthly fees would be a welcome option. I would only be worried about a game that tanked after a year but you can normally get a feel for the game in the early days about its lasting power.
like i said in the other thread, there IS already a set amount for extra slots:
pay $25- transfer a 1750 char to server x
build 8 more lvl 1 32 point builds
pay $225- transfer those 9 chars back to your regular server
so it's $250 for 8 more permanent characters, or $31.25 per extra character slot now ($50 initial and $25 for each additional character)
Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.
EXCEPT, with the character limit set at 9 (or in My case 10, since I got 2 1750's before they nerfed it), when monks come out You would not get a slot for it. Being that there is a way to get extra slots in the manner You have presented (although with this method You still go over the limit, and cannot just delete a character and make a new one...), I would think that a one time fee of X dollars for X Permanent (without going over the limit) slots would be very possible to implement. I mean, seriously, all We are talking about here is Data Storage, and there is precedent for more slots being feasible (see european servers), and many, many players would go for this (including Myself). Sounds like a no-brainer to Me.............I, for one, would be willing to pay as much as 20 dollars per slot (as a one time fee, of course)
Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson
sure you would, you'd get an extra slot on your 'character making' server so instead of building 8 chars there you could build 9 without going over the limit
it'll still cost you $25 to get that character to your main server though
being over the limit doesn't mean you don't get the slot, it just means that the slot you got is already full
Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.