Argo is pretty WF friendly I guess. Lots of good WF players on here make it easy.
Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.
Just as it is in nearly every other MMO (espcieally WoW Raiding Groups), there actually are guilds/groups that require resumes/apps to be filled out for review, consideration, trial-run and then finally acceptance or rejection of said applicant.
And yes, there was a guild that would deny entry into their min/max guild if you even thought warforged was appropriate to play. These arguments were based on efficiency of healing and armor class vs all other races. This eventually lead to a very heated debate in which X called Y a wf racist. Many other things transpired from this thread and eventually the WF Affirmative Action Movement. Since then there has been no racism on Argonnessen to our knowledge and a wide abundance of love, grease and gear-mingling.
I like Warforged, except the stupid Arcane ones that wont spend a few plat on some repair wands or scrolls and expect the cleric to keep them healed...
BTW - Has anyone thought about why there are Male and Female WF? I mean do they have all the bits so they can get it on. Has the female got a nut down there and the male has a bolt that screws into her...on that note would size matter!? I THINK SO!
Oil of repair has more than one use I guess...
- Seblin
Just started playing a WF Barb, and havent had any problems with groups, however being its my 4th char on the server and having 3 16th levels. I do funnel some money down to keep him in a good supply of pots.