Shoudn't +4 resistance item be lower lvl than a cha +1 with resistance +4, and also didnt we have resistance items that was no RR with a min lvl of 11?
Shoudn't +4 resistance item be lower lvl than a cha +1 with resistance +4, and also didnt we have resistance items that was no RR with a min lvl of 11?
price and ML goes up for the increased durability and hardness the loot generated attached to the +4 item... dumb, but that's how they do it...
+4 resistance items are supposed to be ml:13 or 15. We do have broken examples of lower ml:.
Haven't you also noticed your loot tables in the Vale quests? You will pull a +3spot +6 CHA item, and right below it will be a pure CHA item, which rightly should be +7, but is instead +5...
Resistance items are broken in the same way. So are Potency items. I'd say they were trying to hold us back.
Lol, just give up trying to figure out the logic to the loot tables...they have been messed up for a long time now and only got worse with this mod...see the horns debacle, the clearly messed up 'hidden' power on earth clothing, and of course our favorite resistance items
Hopefully, in next mod we will see some clearing up of this clutter (oh oh almost forgot the laggy fragments) and a large number of new potential item powers appear on the loot table as well as the proper upgrading being available on items (ie caster items).
/crosses fingers
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Let me add this one 2
Looks like to me that the 15th lvl one is broken because the +1 cha with +4 resistance is a correct jump to lvl 13 if the base +4 resistance is lvl 11...
Last edited by Vinne; 04-16-2008 at 06:53 PM.