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Thread: WF Hate :(

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    My Pally Cha base is 12 coincidentally, My WarforgedChanters base Cha was 13.
    Yeah, you're ThF so you've got left over points. My dwarf warchanter is TwF, he didn't have the free points for more than 11., #1 source for DDO information.

  2. #22
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    Default It's not always hate

    It's not always hate that people don't want wf in their party. Sometimes it's more inconvienience and much of the time it's ignorance of their capabilities. I play a cleric alot of the time and I never complain about healing wf but when I run Shrouds or groups that include wf I do try to make sure the group can handle the responsibility of ,say, a wf barbarian by asking the casters if they mind memming or reconstruct or using scrolls ( or wands and lesser spells in lesser quests ). A complaint I do have just as a player about wf in general is that many join parties and just assume that they will be taken care of and don't have small necessities that help insure their survival or offer to provide wands and or scrolls to those who can and are willing to use them. I think it's wrong to assume a sorc is going to load wands and remember to watch your bar or that a wizzie is going to unmem a spell they might like to use and then become a cleric for the time being. It's this inconsiderate behavior that leads to people not wanting wf in their groups.

    That being said, I often group with wf and many are in my guild ( IFV). I have heard a wf say I don't have plat for pots or wands or scrolls and not realize that this translates into me or whoever having to use my own resources to provide the same thing. How can that be right? So here comes the OP with two toons that are not the norm and even though people might be narrow-minded in their assumptions, he has created two characters who appear to have the capability to be a drain to the party. I know the OP is a knowledgable player and frequent poster, but that does not change the way people who do not think outside the box think about builds and can easily lead to wf discrimination. So now the Op has to be an educator and assume the mantle for creating these two fun builds.

    In the meantime, players of wf need to realize that what they know or feel about their toons is not as relevant to groups as how they are percieved by the groups. Others perceptions are what is true to them and wf will have to overcome the stigma of being not this or not that by being considerate of the little things that a few might take for granted.

    The biggest complaint people have is of course the healing tax. You overcome this by supplying the wands and scrolls and being considerate to ask those you need to have employ their use. The second is the inconvienience of the healers role of a caster who has to adjust his play style to be the wf's cleric. Realize that he is changing his play style to accomodate you and perhaps he will not mind.

    Of course many wf are totally self-sufficient and will take care of other wf... these are the ones who will also lead by example..

    my 2 cents

    2007 WSOP Event 37 Bracelet Winner
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  3. #23
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    I have a WF Wizard with about 100 HP (8th Level) and he only plays in PUG's
    I usually let it drop to half before using repair crit...but often the cleric has already healed me...
    maybe I am lucky but its never been a problem..
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
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  4. #24
    Community Member Kris_P._Letus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am seeing alot of WF hate recently.

    I have created two new WF, a Paladin and a Bard. I just have seen people refusing to heal WF, and some even refuse groups. It makes me sad, especially on my bard.

    2 Lonely Warforged on Ghallanda.
    cow, i couldnt care less what a players build is. if you see thudul (lvl 12 wf barb)with a lfm up, look to join. or, if you see him on, shoot me a tell. i also have a lvl 3 wf fighter, and a lvl 3 wf wizzy (though i dont like him, cuz hes a wizzy, and i have no experience with wizzys....making me n00b wizzy thinking hes useles...i made him to be a toaster mechanic, and a haste bot. that is all.)

    anyway, like i said. builds dont mean squat to me. if you want to play, play. join my group (unless your on my "do not party with" list...). ive had "useless mutt builds" be more productive then pure builds. zerging pure sorcs??? non-healing lvl 12 clerics?? wt.f??

    so....thudul, willl or noror will play with ya, whoever you are.

    (btw..i am from ghallanda, which is why i posted this for ya....)

  5. #25
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Oh funny, I thought they were fun builds.
    Delete the bard right now. You will never be too powerful, but with a wf sorc you may someday be pretty darn powerful.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by FluffyCalico View Post
    That is because there are a ton of WF that won't take healers friend.

    Kinda like if 9 out of 10 dogs bite you on site will you go pet #11?
    Healer's friend is way overrated. At end game, a full heal brings a wf up the same as any other class.

  7. #27
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    Default delete the bard ???

    My good friend Stash who names all his toons, gimps that they are, as some form of Stash such as Stashibot, Stashy, Stashee, etc has many wf including a sorc, a barb, and a warchanter bard who happens to be a 2hf and he is a beast. He does require a dedicated healer for high end situations but is a very valuable piece of the pie in any party..

    2007 WSOP Event 37 Bracelet Winner
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  8. #28
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mehlinda View Post
    My good friend Stash who names all his toons, gimps that they are, as some form of Stash such as Stashibot, Stashy, Stashee, etc has many wf including a sorc, a barb, and a warchanter bard who happens to be a 2hf and he is a beast. He does require a dedicated healer for high end situations but is a very valuable piece of the pie in any party..
    He may be valuable in your party. I had a wf warchanter, got him to 15, deleted his sorry dying-all-the-time buttocks and built a top notch wf sorc. Warchanter Battle Bards have huge expectations and look great on paper...they do not stand up in melee at end game. Period. They wind up running for their lives then hanging back singing and buffing, but they don't even do that as good as a bard who is bard specc'd (high cha rather than high str and con). Reroll a WF Sorc.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    I had a wf warchanter, got him to 15, deleted his sorry dying-all-the-time buttocks and built a top notch wf sorc.
    The build didn't suit you, good thing you stoppped playing him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    Warchanter Battle Bards have huge expectations and look great on paper...they do not stand up in melee at end game. Period. They wind up running for their lives then hanging back singing and buffing, but they don't even do that as good as a bard who is bard specc'd (high cha rather than high str and con). Reroll a WF Sorc.
    Your experience, not mine.

    I've payed with Stash a lot (as he's my guildy), he pwns. Warchanters are beasts, if yours was notyou either lacked the gear, build or playstyle to make it good, but that's you. A warforgedchanter is an incredibly powerful build, as long as you know how to play it right. I have yet to see Stash get squished, or running for his life. Same for the other warchanters in my guild.

    IMO, Spellsinger < Warchanter, but again, that's my playstyle., #1 source for DDO information.

  10. #30
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    The build didn't suit you, good thing you stoppped playing him.

    Your experience, not mine.

    I've payed with Stash a lot (as he's my guildy), he pwns. Warchanters are beasts, if yours was notyou either lacked the gear, build or playstyle to make it good, but that's you. A warforgedchanter is an incredibly powerful build, as long as you know how to play it right. I have yet to see Stash get squished, or running for his life. Same for the other warchanters in my guild.

    IMO, Spellsinger < Warchanter, but again, that's my playstyle.
    Lot's of talk. I'm not sure what your definition of pwns is, but bards are whoaful meleers.

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    Lot's of talk. I'm not sure what your definition of pwns is, but my bard was a whoaful meleer.
    There you go.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
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  12. #32
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Yeah, you're ThF so you've got left over points. My dwarf warchanter is TwF, he didn't have the free points for more than 11.
    The irony is I did not elect to take the THF feats. Since I wanted Power Attack anyways, I figured cleave and great cleave would be the better route, although if I have feats left over, I may very well take a THF feat or two.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  13. #33
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    There you go.
    You're only letting us know who you are my man. Show me a bard that can go in on the pitfiend. THEY DIE. If you really think that bards are great meleers, than I got your number, Jacko.

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    You're only letting us know who you are my man. Show me a bard that can go in on the pitfiend. THEY DIE. If you really think that bards are great meleers, than I got your number, Jacko.
    Show you one? I'll get you a screenshot this Sunday.

    This is hilarious though. One guy can't make a class work for him and that's it, anyone else who tries is a moron? Get over yourself sport, you're not all that.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    There you go.
    My fault...I saw your movie. Very cool stuff, indeed. My idea of fun isn't sneaking everywhere, playing a song and picking off one at a time hoping that the mob doesn't break. You are very good at it though. I still think it's a stretch to say that Bard's a great meleers...Barbarians, fighters, rangers and palis dont have to sneak into a fight hoping to pick off one at a time.

  16. #36
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    You're only letting us know who you are my man. Show me a bard that can go in on the pitfiend. THEY DIE. If you really think that bards are great meleers, than I got your number, Jacko.
    I have healed a warchanter bard who meleed the pit fiend on elite and never died, without cheese.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    My fault...I saw your movie. Very cool stuff, indeed. My idea of fun isn't sneaking everywhere, playing a song and picking off one at a time hoping that the mob doesn't break. You are very good at it though. I still think it's a stretch to say that Bard's a great meleers...Barbarians, fighters, rangers and palis dont have to sneak into a fight hoping to pick off one at a time.
    So...what? You're saying because I made a vid highlighting one playstyle that it's the only playstyle I'm capable of? No sir, but it does sound like you're saying barb is the only melee playstyle you know. That's what they call "projecting". You are projecting your own shortsighted attitude onto others.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  18. #38
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghoste View Post
    Show you one? I'll get you a screenshot this Sunday.

    This is hilarious though. One guy can't make a class work for him and that's it, anyone else who tries is a moron? Get over yourself sport, you're not all that.
    I didn't call anyone a moron, you brought that up. A screen shot of a bard running in to play a song doesn't cut it for me, sport. Maybe you can sneak past the pitfiend, and craft yourself some goggles while the meleers and rangers take him out. You sound like a friend who made up a battlecaster wiz/fighter and called himself a meleer. Have fun, Jacko. It's a game.

  19. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    I am seeing alot of WF hate recently.

    I have created two new WF, a Paladin and a Bard. I just have seen people refusing to heal WF, and some even refuse groups. It makes me sad, especially on my bard.

    2 Lonely Warforged on Ghallanda.
    Well it fits perfect then..!! Helps the immersion into the world of Eberron!!... WF are very discrimanted against in the world of Eberron..

    Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
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