I am seeing alot of WF hate recently.
I have created two new WF, a Paladin and a Bard. I just have seen people refusing to heal WF, and some even refuse groups. It makes me sad, especially on my bard.
2 Lonely Warforged on Ghallanda.
I am seeing alot of WF hate recently.
I have created two new WF, a Paladin and a Bard. I just have seen people refusing to heal WF, and some even refuse groups. It makes me sad, especially on my bard.
2 Lonely Warforged on Ghallanda.
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
I know I've copied your Alts down....
Now I just have to sit and wait for you to request to join....MUAHAHAHAHAHA
No seriously anyone ignorant enuf to refuse a RACE into a group is someone I don't want to group with in the first place.
As far as healing goes I know what I'm up against when I roll a Warforged and am actually surprised when i do get a heal from someone other than myself.
Google Celebrity Dungeons & Dragons Acquisitions Inc, podcast and youtube videos ,you wont regret it
You took 2 classes that benefit greatly from Charisma, made em warforged, and youdontunderstand why Pugs would be gunshy?
Seriously dude.. Those are guild builds.....
Sigh, its really sad to see people being discriminated because they are mostly livewood. It happens and (from what I can infer) it mostly stems from ignorance, bad prior experiences, or healers who feel that you infringe on their divine recuperative ways. I hope you better luck in the future with your groups. After playing Warforged for a year and a half I can empathize with the discrimination issues.
Edit: There was a comment here... but its better that it isn't here.
Last edited by MrCow; 04-14-2008 at 09:23 PM.
Server - Thelanis
I have 2 warforged (14wiz/2rog and a 9bard/7barb) that were made relatively recently and to be honest, I never felt any hate due to the race...I did get a fair amount of hate due to the class layouts (especially the bardbarian). But strictly speaking, it was probably less hate than a received on my recent two TWF 3-class mutts (drow dex build and a dwarf str build).
PUGs in general are fairly sketchy about running non-optimum groups, especially with poor leaders. Seems to be more an issue of class than race...and if my personal experience is any indication, Thelanis is fairly WF-friendly (so reroll yer WF's there)
Um both WF bards and pally's can be quite good and are not gimped builds at all.
WF bards get displacement and the ability to have high AC and DR as well.
Pally's can self heal with lay on hands, can have very high ac and some DR.
Silly to discriminate against them.
Just start your own group if people are acting like that![]()
I'm fine with people hating WF. I just push the experience through my twisted soul and it comes out as fuel for my fleshling hate.
Keep it coming, meatbags!
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
So if 9 out of 10 clerics dont heal usual warforged (or heal them less at any rate) because so many warforged dont take healer's friend, then why do 9 out of 10 clerics continually attempt to heal an arcane warforged who has taken improved fortification, ignoring the immune floaty that appears when they do so?
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
Although you builds are..interesting, I find people who hate WF don't have much experience. Yes at low levels they are a pain to heal for clerics (if there is more then one in group) but if built correctly they tend to take less damage and once clerics get the heal spell later on the maintenance is easy. Also you bard should have no problem with reconstruction scrolls later as my last shroud raid I was healing the WF fighter with them..who also needed less healing against the pit fiend then anyone else. WF are not a bad race, its just newer people to the game looking at your build may find it sketchy, lets face it, already ignorant people aren't to open to builds that aren't "optimum" for a group like Delt mentioned earlier.
---Ghallanda Server, Officer of Darkhorse Legion...Farnese of the Uber Bardyness---
Alice: I was just wondering if you could help me find my way. Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to. Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter.. Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go. -Alice in Wonderland
I started out with a Paladin Warforged just for fun, but now I've been tweaking him to be a repairman especially for Warforged. If the squishies won't repair us, why should my WF Pally heal them?
I don't mind healing Warforged characters with my Wizard or Paladin. As a matter of fact, my Wizard whom I do mild roleplay with, prefers Warforged over flesh. We don't even have any in our static group, yet he is constantly ready to repair them. In his eyes, THEY are the superior ones. Not bound to pitiful flesh and bone. Not ravaged as easily by the forces of time. Flesh is weak.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
All my characters have WF love. My WF greataxe-wielder (13Barb/2Ftr) gets plenty of loving from guildies and PUGs alike. I make sure to carry lots of wands and pots. I always tell the clerics that I have only 1 rank of Healer's Friend (1 rank isn't that bad an AP cost). I also think it's important to ask the arcanes if they can whip me with a wand (supplied by yours truly) between battles. They almost always say, "Sure, just remind me if I forget" or "No problem, I already have some wands". Also, (and I think this goes a long way for WF/arcane relations) I apologize for making them healers, as I know that wasn't their intention when rolling a caster... and I let them know that I WILL get hit, and probably get hit ALOT, but I have plenty of HP and if I die in battle it's my own fault, just tote me the next available shrine. Between battles wand whipping is all I need. At higher levels, the cleric often steps in with something like "My heals hit for 600hp, I got you little buddy!"
As for my rogues (both halflings, my 10Rog soon replacing the 16Rog with *issues*)... there's nothing better than telling the WF in the party "stand still for a minute" and clicking the old "way of the mechanic". It's awesome when they've never seen it before. I hit a WF cleric yesterday with it, and he was positively glowing the rest of the mission. Sure, at high levels it's not gonna cut it, but in lowbie/midbie land it brings a smile to their nearly expressionless faces.
I'm looking at rolling up a WF wizzie next... beholders beware.