That is if they haven't already met their expiration date...
Ok so now our weapons have an extra 10 dice or so on our many of you are still running weapon spec/grtr weapon spec on your fighters? I think it needs an enhancement line at high levels to stay viable or a re-look at the feat entirely. +2 damage per feat is not very rewarding when elite vermin has 800hp and 3/4 bab classes can farm for weapons with more dice than Vegas.
I only see two possible but not really even that great reasons to keep this around:
1. Weapon spec +2 damage is nice at lower levels
2. You are using picks, where +4 damage equals +16 damage on a crit (ok if you built purely for deathnip this is a good reason)
Dear devs can you PUUUH-LLEAASE look at these feats or give us some new ones? This is no longer scaled correctly by its pure PnP implementation you need to DDO-ify it.