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Thread: Monk vs AOC?

  1. #21
    Community Member Snoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ro-Longo View Post
    I'll be giving AoC a try. The main reason is that I want my rogue to be a rogue and not a trap monkey.
    Then why not play one of the many many many other MMO's out there that could never properly implement traps, but never had any problem making rogues single-minded DPS focused 1-dimensional classes?

    Like Everquest.

    Or World of Warcraft.

  2. #22
    Community Member Snoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoltan00 View Post
    I doubt it bro I know some really good rogues that can outkill tanks but a rogue cannot do anywhere from 180-200+ damage in 1 swing like a barb can.
    Usually when people describe a class as DPS, the DPS stands for Damage Per Second. Basically the connotation is that the melee class is a high damage dealing class that, due to the nature of melee, can sustain this high damage indefinitely. This is one of the only games where people warped the slang to mean Damage Per Swing.

  3. #23
    Community Member Ro-Longo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snoggy View Post
    Then why not play one of the many many many other MMO's out there that could never properly implement traps, but never had any problem making rogues single-minded DPS focused 1-dimensional classes?

    Like Everquest.

    Or World of Warcraft.
    I will NEVER ever play WoW. I tried Everquest. Could't for the life of me get used to the game movement mechanics. I do like the combat system of DDO. Just not how some other things are done.

    But I am not going to turn this into a Rogue thread so lets go back to the topic.
    Ro {Cleric 16}
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  4. #24
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Monk Vs. AOC

    I think the "WOW!!" (not the game) factor will grab many of DDO's players and leave us with an even smaller population.

    Monks may help to replace 10 -20% of the ones who leave.

    How many we get back is up to AOC...... If all that glitters is not gold than many will return.

    Many Have already been sold on the hype, if the game manages to deliver, than we may be talking about server merges again in 6 months.

    The $9.99 monthly price was a great idea, Monks are the shiny new toy.............. but ultimatly once the wow factor has worn thin, you need to have a solid, polished, playable and fun game to keep people busy.............. IMO DDO has that now.

    What Im more curious about in MOD 8, monks aside, is the content. There has been almost ZERO talk of the new content.

    Im seeing it like this:

    AOC is the new store that opens up on the block and advertises that it has fun stuff in a box, at reasonable prices. No ones actually tried the fun stuff in the box, but the packaging looks really cool.

    DDO is the mom & pop store on the corner that youve been going to since you were a kid. They know you and give you a nice discount on the already low priced stuff they sell. Most of the stuff they are willing to open up the box and let you mess around with it and see if you wanna buy it. MOD 8 it seems they are just showing you the box but not showing anything else inside.

    That worries my, for us that have been around for a while, monks will be nice for a week or 2 but content is really what we want.

    Show me the content thats gunna keep me busy for the next 6 months ............. monks are just candy for the kids. The adults are ready for dinner, how about an appetizer.

    Rogues = DPS

    My rogue dual weilds keen punturing daggers. I have subtle backstabber and turning on precision will only do about 1-2 points of damage. I have seen giants die after I did only 10 pts of damage total ........ but with the right weapons, anyone can do that.

    When I turn precision off and switch from target to target in the middle of a fight while a fighter holds aggro or I just use bluff, I can do an average of 50 points per hit. I need to keep all my stars in alignment to maintain that damage but add to that the fact that im puncturing also and stuff dies really fast.

    I can really wrack up the kills but need to do it from behind a tank.
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  5. #25
    Community Member jscurrier071's Avatar
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    Watched numerous videos for AOC and even had an invite for Beta, just cant get into the mechanic's of it. "Click this arrow to swing upward, click these arrows in order for a special move"... just too "busy" for me. I like my games to be less click click oriented and more about the environment and friends. Not gonna play it.
    Ordos Draconum

  6. #26
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ro-Longo View Post
    I will NEVER ever play WoW. I tried Everquest. Could't for the life of me get used to the game movement mechanics. I do like the combat system of DDO. Just not how some other things are done.

    But I am not going to turn this into a Rogue thread so lets go back to the topic.
    Dont be afraid to broaden your horizens.

    Try WOW & EQ for a comparison. The movement in WOW, EQ and DDO is pretty much the same but many other game aspects are different. I feel DDO works better for me after playing the previous 2 and leaving because of 1 thing or another that I didnt like. I played EQ because it was the closest to D & D for me at the time.

    as Ive said b4, Ill be trying AOC, IF after the 1st month it looks like I would like it but I will continue playinng DDO also.

    While I like the rogue classes in AOC, I dont care for the tanks or casters. I do like the wide open spaces but for that I could just play Oblivion.
    AOC would have to do something really special to keep me playing longer than 1-2 months.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  7. #27
    Founder Justicar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes View Post
    - I can still get drunk in real life and make my character behave erractically

    Thank you for that...Had a good laugh over that one!
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  8. #28
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beherit Baphomar View Post
    I have a huge portion of my guild leaving DDO for AoC...and I mean huge...almost everyone that plays DDO regularly
    is going to AoC...

    Lets hope y'all are right and they come back, because Im not really interested in AoC.

    They'll be back, unless they really like open PvP. Nothing like getting ganked every time you are trying to do a quest.

  9. #29
    Community Member Ro-Longo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    They'll be back, unless they really like open PvP. Nothing like getting ganked every time you are trying to do a quest.
    I think the made it so that if your in a party you can't PvP like that.
    Ro {Cleric 16}
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  10. #30
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ro-Longo View Post
    I think the made it so that if your in a party you can't PvP like that.
    So in other words, they will end up just like every other mmo by appealing to the masses.
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  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ro-Longo View Post
    I'll be giving AoC a try. The main reason is that I want my rogue to be a rogue and not a trap monkey.
    ummm not sure what your saying as in games rogues doing traps is older then rogues doing dps(but traps has never been all they were about)

    Beware the Sleepeater

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furgulder View Post
    no slots for a monk so AoC for me. plus i wanna ride an mammoth.
    Proably get another slot so you can stay instead of riding a furry seige engine

    Beware the Sleepeater

  13. #33
    Community Member Nevthial's Avatar
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    I'm not going to Age of Conan. I came to DDO because it is based on D&D and for no other reason. If and when this game shuts down, I seriously doubt I'll play any other online game. ( Unless it is a non- 4.0 ruleset D&D game.)
    Calamitous Intent***The Broken
    Quote Originally Posted by tchurvul View Post
    ...I even took his robe as a trophy. It's so comfortable..and it reminds me of the sweet sweet taste of victory. All who oppose me meet such a fate, so let it be a lesson to you.

  14. #34
    Community Member Khroc's Avatar
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    Hmm... lets see... after 5,000 shroud runs... you get all the uber loot you will ever need... At this point.. why go questing on your main overloaded uber toon? To get exp ? (capped).. to do loot runs? ( you already have the Shroud loot so there is no point to do any other quest in the game cause you already have the best loot)... AoC seems like a welcome choice for most of hardcore DDO ppl... too bad its taken so long for them to release the game..

    As far as the haters and pure DDO ppl flaming AoC or any other MMO... w/e .. Every game gets boring at some point or another..
    To say you wont play it or all that glitters is not gold or PVP servers suck... pfft.. I am glad you are not gonna try AoC.. Stay here and keep playing the same content over and over ... I loved DDO.. and I still like it but pls... AoC seems like a well thought out MMO.. You can play on a PVP based server or choose one that isn’t based on PVP... I can't wait to cut off some doods heads and dance in his blood !! (Sounds like I may have some issues there,.,. but Oh well .. )

    Besides DDO put zero Crafting axes in the Shroud... so my main Dorf Tank has nothing to satisfy his AXE fixation...

    The Monk will do nothing to save ppl from AoC... DDO will be a one server game soon,... and that’s a good thing... that way ppl can stop talking about what they do on other servers and prove it.. I will still keep my 2 DDO accts and jump back from time to time... but change will be a breath of fresh air .......

    All I can say is..

    Last edited by Khroc; 04-15-2008 at 11:38 AM.

  15. #35
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furgulder View Post
    no slots for a monk so AoC for me. plus i wanna ride an mammoth.
    I am getting the Mammoth on my collector's edition pre-order of AoC too

    I will dual-sub AoC and DDO until I make a decision whether monks are worth re-doing all of the lowbie quests for favor/XP/raid loot equippage AGAIN.

    I think after two months of dual-subscribing/playing, I will make my decision, and either let my sub to DDO die (not giving my stuff away) or coming back to stay.
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  16. #36
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    Last edited by Shaamis; 04-15-2008 at 01:36 PM.
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  17. #37
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Proably get another slot so you can stay instead of riding a furry seige engine
    ive been hopin but were at what? 9 now? i have 13 slots, 13 characters I actually play (well 12, but no point in deleting that lvl 14 bank mule with 5 backpacks and 3 bank pages). so Im SOL unless I want to decide which 5 of my toons I want to kill off permanently...

  18. #38
    Community Member harold2560's Avatar
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    I am very happy with ddo. so i wont leave to play another game exclusively. but i am very interested in AoC but i have a feeling it may not be worth it so i will wait till the reviews come out and prove me wrong before i give it a try.

  19. #39
    Founder max274's Avatar
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    I am going to try Age of Conan out - while I love this game there are still some aspects that bother me....
    1. why not have random instances w/random incounters (instead of spot trip) spawn in same spot monsters...
    2. randoms dungeons w/ random traps every time you enter it -

    To me (as someone who has been playing DDO since beta) - something like this would keep my interest - I mean how many times should I have to run Kobold assault w/ the same scenerio - or even any of the other ones - my main grip this whole time while playing has not been the amount of content - but having to repeat conent over and over and over and over again to achieve goals in the game and to boost your xp -

    To me D&D has always been about RANDOM encounters in different areas - not the assembly line heres your quest type dungeons - while I know DDO is not PURE D&D ... for me this is just one aspect of how this game could evolve to maybe pull more people in

    The monk - well I will make one - and well - run the SAME quests again.... but man... it sure will be a grind..... and I welcome the fact that AoC will be out - because when I am tired of running WW's for the millonith and elventh time.... I will turn off DDO and boot Aoc up... for a nice change..

    my 2 plat.

  20. #40
    Community Member zoltan00's Avatar
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    Yeah dude I feel you as much as I love ddo its really redundant whenever new content comes out 1st month its good and all but then your back at where you were before... Bored. I've tried different servers yet after a while you just need a break and its sad because this game has so much potential but as of right now kinda 1 dimensional. I think the only thing that can save them is maybe DDO2 or add another city. Well I just hope DDO doesnt die our with AOC and warhammer coming out.
    Shake N' Bake

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