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See, in theory, I love the new stealth attack. The ability to sneak in and get a one-hit kill at high levels is precisely why I made my first character a high strength rogue. Before I even got him to level cap, I realized that it simply didn't work like that.
So, when something is made to give rogues that ability, I was very happy.
But, I've learned a lot more about the nature of the game in the last two years. This is the kind of ability that I would have been ecstatic about when the game first opened... but other classes' abilities have progressed to the point that this kind of killing blow is not even all that special or unique. And the implementation of this special ability makes it more of a pain to use and even less useful overall than abilities that other classes get. The problem is that I always expected an ability like this to be joined by HIPS. Especially because HIPS and death attack both belong to the same class.
I don't necessarily have a problem with Death Attack being done from hiding. I do have issues with hiding and aggro in general. I guess if I was given the option of releasing a hiding dependant ability and then fixing hiding later, or releasing the ability now, then fixing hiding and then making it hiding-dependant... I would go with the former... I would just like to know if the devs are going to look at hiding in the future.
It's always kind of sore spot to me, because I loved rogues in most all the other games.. and I came to DDO with the expectation of loving rogues, and they sucked.
Everything about rogues really needs to be looked at:
-They upgraded diplo and intimidate, but left bluff horrible
-Improved Feint is still broken
-Open Locks, Disable Device, and Search times are waaaaaay to high -- Knock and Detect Secret Doors are all insta-effects that even get concentration checks for being interrupted.
-Stealth is borked pretty badly in the sense that it's never advantageous (RwtD and the Crucible examples could both be done without entering sneak mode)
It just seems like while rogues weren't getting much love for the last 2 years... neither were any of their mechanics for any abilities.
So it was a sore spot when they release my death attack ability.. and make it dependant on borked mechanics.