All Items are up for trade mostly will sell some of the trash.
+ 6 Str. Belt ML 13 x 2
+ 6 Con Belt Light Fort
+ 6 Con. Belt
Belt of 7 Ideals
G.F.L. Belt RR Dwarf
Ring of Feathers
Ring Gr. Fire ML 11
Ring Gr. Cold ML 11
Ring of Improved Sonic Res. 20
+ 6 Str. Ring ML 15
Search 11 Goggles ML. 11
Intell 6 Goggles
Cloak of Greater Lightening Resistance
Mantle of the Dragon Friend ( + 5 Charisma + 6 Deplo )
Cloak Greater Cold Res.
Cloak Greater Acid Res. x 2
Skyvault Shield
+ 5 Mithriel Tower Shield
+ 1 Fearsome Mithral Chain Shirt
+ 4 Death Block Full Plate ML 14
+ 3 Fearsome Full Plate ML 10
Blood Plate Armor (Death Block Full Plate Min. Level 6)
+ 4 Adamantine Full Plate (DR 3)
Death’s Locket x2
Jorgundal’s Collar (sorry sold)
Fanged Gloves
Steady Handed Arm Band
Gloves of Forgotten Craft
Tome Page 6
+ 1 Wisdom Tome
Muck Bane
Charoosh’s Inferno (+ 5 Flaming Burst Bastard Sword)
Whirlwind + 5 Great Sword Telekinetic
Great Ax of the Chained Soldier
Prysuul’s Bane / + 4 P.G. Gold Iron Bastard Sword ML. 8
+ 1 Curse Bastard Sword of Pure Good
+ 1 Weakening Bastard Sword of Enfeebling
+ 2 Weakening Longsword of Enfeebling
+ 2 Transmuting War hammer of P.G. Min. Level 8
+ 3 battle ax of greater Elemental bane
+ 2 Crippling Scimitar of Greater Human Bane
+ 3 Vicious Bastard Sword of Greater Human Bane
+ 4 Holy Dwarven Axe of Magical Beast Bane
+ 1 Acid Bastard Sword of Greater Elf Bane
+ 3 Acid Great Axe of Greater Elemental Bane (sorry sold)
+ 2 Axiomatic Dwarven Axe of Greater Construct Bane RR Halfling
+ 1 Vorpal Bastard Sword x 2
+ 1 Bastard Sword of Smiting x 2
+ 2 Seeker Warhammer of Smiting
+ 1 Paralyzing Great Club of Shatter
+ 2 Paralyzing Dwarven Ax of Slowburst RR Human
+ 1 Paralyzing Dagger
+ 1 Paralyzing Silver Kama
+ 1 Paralyzing Quarter Staff
+ 1 Paralyzing Bastard Sword
+ 1 Paralyzing Heavy Crossbow of P.G.
+ 2 Paralyzing Returning Throwing Ax RR WF
+ 1 Frost Longbow of Disruption
+ 2 Ghost Touch Longbow of Dis. (sorry sold)
+ 2 Frost Great Club of Disruption RR Human
+ 1 Bastard Sword of Disruption x 2
+ 2 Keen Short Bow of Disruption
+ 2 Light Hammer of Disruption
+ 2 Shock Dwarven Axe of Disruption RR Human
+ 1 True Chaos Longbow of Disruption
+ 1 Banishing Light Crossbow
+ 1 Banishing Short Sword
+ 1 Banishing Quarter Staff
+ 2 Banishing Dagger
FREE STUFF BELOW: 1 item per person peson. Must send tell/mail in game main toon Leonn alt vengeancee/renee
+1 Vicious Byeshk Heavy Pick of Smiting
+ 5 Str. Ring
+ 13 Haggle Ring RR WF
+ 5 Con. Ring ML 11
+ 5 Intell Goggles
+ 5 Wisdom Hat
+ 5 True Chaos Bastard Sword
2 Portable Holes
Disease Immunity / Heavy Fort Belt
I am looking for the royal guard mask and 1 smiting rapier.
Send tell to trade or respond here thanks!!