This is a build that im both currently planning out, putting together and testing. Though alot of the important parts of the build are based around changes that are coming in mod 7, along with current high end gear. This build is not for the beginner or the faint of heart.
Let me introduce my DPS rogue.
Dwarf Rogue 15/ Fighter 1
HP 399(30 base + 30 GFL +45 Shroud +48 Toughness +18 minos + 100 HD +128 con) 527 Raged
Str 30 standing, 42 raged (17 base +6 item +3 tome +4 levels) +2 rage, +4 madstone +6 bloodrage
Dex 24 (15 base +3 tome +4 item +2 enhancments)
Con 26 standing, 42 raged (16 base +6 item+2 enhancments +2 tome) +2 rage, +8 madstone +6 bloodrage
Int 20 (13 base +1 tome +6 item)
Wis 16 (8 base+ 2 tome +6 item)
Cha 6 base
1st: Power Attack
3rd: Stunning Blow
6th: Toughness
9th: Least DM of warding
12th: Improved Crit: Slashing
15th: Skill Focus: DD
Fighter Feat: WF slashing, another toughness, hamstring, this one is really up to the player.
Rogue Special abilities
Improved Evasion : Elite Traps can be devistating, and you often have to get through it to disarm it. No matter How hardy you are, taking 70 instead of 140 on a failed save is always worth it. Nevermind those pesky 1's your sure to roll.
Defensive Roll : This gives you that extra few seconds you need that spell the difference between the cleric healing you and the cleric ressing you.
Skill Mastery : Suring up your rogue skills is worth it, especially with the way elite traps are heading.
Disable Device 58 (19 ranks +15 item +5 intel +4 Feat +2 enhancment +2 GL +4 GH +7 tools)
Open Lock 55 (19 ranks +15 item +7 dex +2 GL +4 GH +7 tools)
Search 54 (19 ranks +15 item +5 intel +4 feat +4 enhancments +2 GL +4 GH)
Spot 43 (19 ranks +15 item +0 wis +2 enhancments+2 GL +4 GH)
Move Silently 47 (19 ranks +10 item +4 enhancments +7 dex +2 GL +4 GH)
Hide 47 (19 ranks +10 item +4 enhancments +7 dex +2 GL +4 GH)
UMD 26-34 (19 ranks + 1-4 feat +0-5 item +2 GL +4 GH) This also varies depending on your cha, between -2 for no item or tome, to +2 for a +2 tome and +6 item
You also have 15 free skill ranks to play with, which should go between balance, jump, and tumble.
Dwarven search II (3 total)
Rogue search II (3 total)
Rogue spot II (3 total)
Rogue DD II (3 total)
Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy III (6 total)
Rogue Sneak Attack Training III (6 total)
Way of the assasin II (6 total)
Rogue Dexterity II (6 total)
Dwarven Con II (6 total)
Dwarven Toughness III (6 total)
Rogue Damage Boost II (3 total)
Rogue Subtle backstabbing III (6 total)
Rogue Haste Boost III (6 total)
Rogue Skill boost I (1 total)
The basic effect appart from the skill bonuses, is +3 attack on SA's, +17 Damage on SA;s, +2 con, +2 dex, +30 HP, A death attack, 30% less perceived damage, and a very nice attack speed boost of +25%.
NOW, for the Equipment Specs
Helm: Minos
Neck: +6 con
Trinket: HoGF
Belt: Titan Belt
Gloves: Backstabbers gloves
Cloak: Stormreavers napkin
Boots: Madstone boots
Bracers: Shroud item<<45 HP and +6 wisdom>>
Ring 1: +4 resistance
Ring 2: Utility, energy resists, reaver ring, ect.
Now, the best possible weapon is a Radience II greatsword. For two reasons. The good DPS it will do on every hit, and any crit with it will blind the target. Which means Endless SAs. Every time this build gets SA damage, its an extra 8d6 +20. 28-68 is nothing to sneeze at.
So anyways, to hit
12 BaB
10 STR
4 GH
5 weapon
-5 PA
26, 32 raged +3 on SAs.
+5 weapon
24 STR
10 PA
42-57, +2d6 holy +1d6 fire<and another 1d10 fire and 5d6 light on a crit>
Other good weapons to make would be an earth/postive maul. For enemies that are either immune to fire, blinding, or have alot of DR.
Any suggestions welcome. I'll repeat, this is not a build designed for the new player or anyone not interested in raiding.