I was just wondering how rare or how useful or really just what the market thinks a +1 Smiting Rapier is worth?
I was just wondering how rare or how useful or really just what the market thinks a +1 Smiting Rapier is worth?
Rapiers with effects that proc on a crit are always highly valued because of the wide crit range on rapiers. Banishing rapiers on a raging barbarian with crit 2 will proc on a 13 or better (40% chance every hit) Basically anything with less than 25HD is vaporized almost immediately. Same benefits apply to a smiter. Only draw back is there isnt nearly as much to smite as there is to banish. I currently use smiting khopeshes (looking for rapier by the way) And I very soldom pull them out. Maybe use them 3% of the time, if that. But still a very nice item, just very situational.
That said, I am looking for a set to replace my khopesh's. If your ever interested in selling or trading send me a pm.