it's that time again! time to dominate the shroud and earn our title as masters of fleshies!!!
we'll be going for shroud completion. it would be nice to have a bard this time around, but I'm not picky, a fleshy mechanic (cleric) will be fine as well. the composition of the group should will be 6 - melee OR 4 melee 2 ranged; 4 casters; 1 bard OR cleric; and 1 random dude who will be uberly random. slots will be given away on a first-come, first-serve basis, please post in thread to reserve them. DEATH TO THE FLESHLINGS!!! here's the usual suspects:
1. Caster - Magictoaster
2. Caster - Fleshkiller
3. Caster - Ghoste
4. Caster - Xratedd
5. Tank - Stonefists
6. Tank -
7. Tank -
8. Tank -
9. Tank/Ranged - Isindolph
10. Tank/Ranged -
11. Fleshy Mechanic/Bard - Ignot
12. Random - Rowanshadow
Good luck and may the Forge be with you.