Its time I unload my bank/pocket. Normally I could do this on auction but my funds just hit a throbbing ZERO after going on a shopping spree earlier. So here goes, I pray my junk is worth millions to somebody.

Wise Helm of Eloquence (+5 wis, +3 Doplomacy )
Health Belt of Spell Resistance( +1 Con, spell resistance 19 )
Proof against Poison Necklace of Haggling( Proof against poison, and Haggle +7)
Underwatr Action Hat
Ogre Power Ring (Strength +1)
Underwater Action Necklace
+2 Seeker Scimitar Of Shatter( +2 Enhancement Bonus, +2 Seeker, +6 Shatter)
Health Necklace Of Protection +4 (Con +2, Protection +4 )
+1 Flaming Burst Silver Short Sword of Vertigo ( Silver Alchemical, +1 Enhancement Bonus, Flaming Burst, Vertigo +2)
+2 Greatsword of Pure Good (+2 Enhancement Bonus, Pure good) (Good 20)
+2 True Chaos Dagger of Puncturing( +2 Enhancement Bonus, True Chaos, Puncturing ) (Chaotic 20 )
+3 Seeker Longbow of Power I(+3 Enhancement Bonus, Seeker+6, Power I )
+5 Sacred Heavy Steel Shield of Lesser Lightning Resistance ( +5 Enhancement Bonus, Sacred, Lesser Lightning Resistance)
+2 Mobile Studded Leather Armor of Spell Resistance ( +2 Enhancement Bonus, Feat: Mobility, Spell Resistance 13 )
Blindness Ward Ring of the Eagle( Blindness Immunity, Spot +7)
Striding Boots of Tumbling( Striding +20%, Tumble +3, RR: Human 16 )
+3 Seeker Kama Of Vertigo (+3 Enhancement BOnus, Seeker +2, Vertigo +4 )
Feather Falling Boots of Swimming (Swim +5)
Feather Falling Boots of Springing (Jump +5)
Barbarian's Spirit (1 click of Rage )
+4 Lesser Acid Guard Chain Shirt of Stability( +4 Enhancement Bonus, Lesser Acid Guard, Stability)
Dexterous Ring of Remove Blindness ( Dex +3, 3 clicks of Remove Blindness)
Reaver's Ring (Immunity to Fear, Light Fortification, Will save -2 )
+1 Body Feeder Shortsword of Geater Undead Bane ( +1 Enhancement bonus, Bodyfeeder, Greater Undead Bane)
Health Belt of Spell Resistance (Con +4, Spell Resistance 17) (RR: Dwarf 22 )
Vicious Silver Heavy Pick of Shatter( Silver Alchemical, +1 Enhancement Bonus, Vicious, Shatter +10 )
+5 Full Plate
+5 Seeker Darkwood Shortbow of Enfeebling( Darkwood, +5 Enhancement Bonus, Seeker +2, Enfeebling)
Ogre Power Bracers (Str +5 )
Dexterous Gloves of Performing ( Dex +4, Perform +3 )
Health Belt ( Con +5 )
Underwater Action Necklace of Haggling ( Haggle +7 )
Underwater Action Necklace of Haggling ( Haggle +3 )
Health Belt of Light Fortification ( Con +5 )
Dexteroius Boots of Balance (Dex +5, Balance +3 )
+5 Heavy Steel Shield of Light Fortification ( +5 Enhancement Bonus, Light Fortification )
Health Belt of Lesser False Life ( Con +4, Lesser False Life)
+3 Adamantine Greatsword

Feel free to leave bids here. And a name I can contact you by. I will check in here between runs, and contact those I am willing to sell to via mail ingame.