Last night Soloing on my new ROgue build in Cerulean Hills I got a Blind Invite...... Normally, THese dont bug me too much. I politely reply that I'm not looking for a group and that most people find blind invites rude.

Last Night I was in the middle of about 6 Fiendish lions when the Invite Popped up on the screen....

Why cant we simply have a Auto Decline If we are currently in an Instanced Quest or Area?

Group Leader: We need a Rogue.. Oh theres on inthe List not Grouped... Blind Invite: Pokah
Your Invite has been Declined because Pokah is currently in a Quest.

Rather than
Group Leader: We need a Rogue.. Oh theres on in the List not Grouped... Blind Invite: Pokah
-30 Seconds go by-
Pokah has Declined your request
{Pokah Tells you}: Thanks, You just got me Killed. Blind Invites are Extremely rude. I was soloing a quest when your invite box poped up and stopped all my controls from operating.
/Squeltch <Group Leader>

Now, I'll Probobly Unsquelch him tonight..... I certainly didnt want to get overly Rude to what I assume is a new player...... But man, that got me goin.....