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  1. #1
    Community Member genericearthling's Avatar
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    Default WTT smiting scimitar

    i have a +3 scimitar of smiting min lvl 14 that i would like to trade for a lower level (i.e. +1 scimitar of smiting lvl 10)
    RR human is ok.

    I don't see this being a one for one so please send offer in pm.
    I will take scimitar with some damage but that needs to be compensated for, my item has not been used.

  2. #2
    Community Member Trunk-Monkey's Avatar
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    Will you take plat offers?

  3. #3
    Community Member genericearthling's Avatar
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    i need to get a lower level smiting scimitar out of the deal. if you have one and some plate that is cool, send me a pm. also, a construct bane khpesh or a low level vorpal khopesh would seal the deal.

  4. #4
    Community Member Trunk-Monkey's Avatar
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    Will you take a +1 DEX Tome, 20k Plat, +1 Frost Longsword of righteousness, +2 Dwarven Axe of Pure Good, and a couple of Tasty Hams?

  5. #5
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    smiting scimitar is arguably the best smiter in the game. I've seen them sell for 800k plat.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trunk-Monkey View Post
    Will you take a +1 DEX Tome, 20k Plat, +1 Frost Longsword of righteousness, +2 Dwarven Axe of Pure Good, and a couple of Tasty Hams?
    I'm... speechless.

  7. #7
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    I think he should go for it just to screw with you.
    Reidra fragment of Khyber;
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  8. #8
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    I have a +1 smiting scimmy no rr, min lvl 10 iirc and no tics of damage.

    oh and btw, you would have to compensate me to make the trade, personally idc if yours is a +3, it just means I cant use it on a toon until they hit lvl 14 and no umd can get around that.

    IMO your scimmy is worth less than mine, but if you want to negotiate somthing then I'm listeneing

  9. #9
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    Is a ml 12 smiting scimitar of any use?

  10. #10
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    I'd tend to agree that the lower min level makes the +1 more desirable, constructs are generally fairly low on the AC chart. I think the drummer from def leppard could hit a construct using a greatsword.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  11. #11
    Community Member genericearthling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betz View Post
    I have a +1 smiting scimmy no rr, min lvl 10 iirc and no tics of damage.

    oh and btw, you would have to compensate me to make the trade, personally idc if yours is a +3, it just means I cant use it on a toon until they hit lvl 14 and no umd can get around that.

    IMO your scimmy is worth less than mine, but if you want to negotiate somthing then I'm listeneing
    so by this logic if i am unlucky enough to get a +5 vorpal i will make sure not to contact you.
    i always love the forums, some of the best haggle guys i have ever seen. make you take a good weapon and tell you how bad it is and how you should just sell it for what they say. unbelievable +3 is worse than +1. i am willing to trade you some +1 tomes for your +2 if you pay me enough. i have had big discousion on another thread about how bad w/p dagger or worth very little and w/p repeater, not sure why i even bother.
    Last edited by genericearthling; 04-11-2008 at 12:49 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member genericearthling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    I'd tend to agree that the lower min level makes the +1 more desirable, constructs are generally fairly low on the AC chart. I think the drummer from def leppard could hit a construct using a greatsword.
    careful now don't be messing with deaf leppard!!!!!!

  13. #13
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    you miss the point,

    a smiter scimmy (banishing rapier is another example) is a crit based uber and is only working on a 15-20 with improved crit slashing (or imp crit puncturing in the case of the rapier) so the extra +2 to hit and damage you have means that you can hit the mob by rolling 2 less on your dice for +2 damage while you wait for a 15 to come up. and unless your toon is debuffed so badly that its still missing on a 15 then what difference does it make if its a +1 or a +3 except than your lower level toons are able to use it...

    w/p is different as its about damaging the mob for con and the extra damage is nice aswel and vorpal only go off on a 20 so until you get a 20 dice a high + on the weapon is desirable for damage and hit bonus

    so while you try to get a similar weapon + a cherry on top my lvl 10's will have the luxury of a 15-20 smiter and not some horrible mace or somthing.

    your smiter is nice dont get me wrong but only a noob would take the trade your asking for, you might be lucky and get an offer by someone who will only exclusivly use the weapon on a lvl 14 or higher.

    so yeah, GL with your item :P

  14. #14
    Community Member genericearthling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betz View Post
    you miss the point,

    a smiter scimmy (banishing rapier is another example) is a crit based uber and is only working on a 15-20 with improved crit slashing (or imp crit puncturing in the case of the rapier) so the extra +2 to hit and damage you have means that you can hit the mob by rolling 2 less on your dice for +2 damage while you wait for a 15 to come up. and unless your toon is debuffed so badly that its still missing on a 15 then what difference does it make if its a +1 or a +3 except than your lower level toons are able to use it...

    w/p is different as its about damaging the mob for con and the extra damage is nice aswel and vorpal only go off on a 20 so until you get a 20 dice a high + on the weapon is desirable for damage and hit bonus

    so while you try to get a similar weapon + a cherry on top my lvl 10's will have the luxury of a 15-20 smiter and not some horrible mace or somthing.

    your smiter is nice dont get me wrong but only a noob would take the trade your asking for, you might be lucky and get an offer by someone who will only exclusivly use the weapon on a lvl 14 or higher.

    so yeah, GL with your item :P
    I am looking for someone who has a higher level character and would like to trade up. I think you have made it clear that you are not such a person and anyone who would like to do that is a dope. ok point taken and thanks for the wishes of luck.
    Last edited by genericearthling; 04-11-2008 at 02:42 AM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by genericearthling View Post
    so by this logic if i am unlucky enough to get a +5 vorpal i will make sure not to contact you.
    i always love the forums, some of the best haggle guys i have ever seen. make you take a good weapon and tell you how bad it is and how you should just sell it for what they say. unbelievable +3 is worse than +1. i am willing to trade you some +1 tomes for your +2 if you pay me enough. i have had big discousion on another thread about how bad w/p dagger or worth very little and w/p repeater, not sure why i even bother.
    Can you currently use the smiter? Will you hit on a crit whether it's +3 or +1? These are questions you have to ask,... Smiters and banishers kill on a crit, if you can't hit on a crit with a +1 then you shouldn't swing a weapon, lol. Lower lvl smiters and banishers are priceless, I have lvl 8 rr human smiting and banishing rapiers I wouldnt trade for anything. Honestly same with a vorpal, you just do a little more dmg if you don't vorp the critter. Only things +modifier really matters on is DPS
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  16. #16
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    A higher modifier on a vorp does matter. It increases your chances of confirming the vorp because it gives you a higher to hit. A higher bonus on a smiter or banisher generally means nothing.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  17. #17
    Community Member Dimz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeneas View Post
    A higher modifier on a vorp does matter. It increases your chances of confirming the vorp because it gives you a higher to hit. A higher bonus on a smiter or banisher generally means nothing.
    Never had a problem confirming a crit with a +1-+3 vorpal. Only difference is people think +3 is uber because its a new number to see, just like +4's.

  18. #18
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    You probably just didn't notice or were vorping with a melee class that wasn't completely gimped. Trying vorping with a wizard and let me know if you don't confirm occasionally.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by genericearthling View Post
    so by this logic if i am unlucky enough to get a +5 vorpal i will make sure not to contact you.
    i always love the forums, some of the best haggle guys i have ever seen. make you take a good weapon and tell you how bad it is and how you should just sell it for what they say. unbelievable +3 is worse than +1. i am willing to trade you some +1 tomes for your +2 if you pay me enough. i have had big discousion on another thread about how bad w/p dagger or worth very little and w/p repeater, not sure why i even bother.
    Never underestimate the value of twink gear.

    There's a reason that the ring of feathers (ML:1) sells for 100k on the auction house, 5 minutes after you post it, while you can't sell any other FF item for over 5k.

  20. #20
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    Never underestimate the value of twink gear.

    There's a reason that the ring of feathers (ML:1) sells for 100k on the auction house, 5 minutes after you post it, while you can't sell any other FF item for over 5k.
    sadly, the best thing about having a ring of feathers over any other feather fall ring is that you know which one it is on your hotbar at all times.
    Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths

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