Trading any 4 (Four) of the following items for a Wounding of puncture Returning dart or dagger non RR
+1Keen Great crossbow of Smiting with a 15 -20 crit range
+2 banishing returning hammer
+1 wounding of puncture composite shortbow
+1 banish Short sword
+1 Banish Hvy Repeater
+1 Flaming Greatsword of Disruption
+3 Greatsword of Greater Giant bane
+1 Greatsword of Smiting
+1 Banish PG hvy repeater human only lvl 10
+1 True Chaos Disrupt Hvy Repeater
+1 True Chaos Greater Undead Bane Hvy Repeater
+2 Holy Silver Longbow (named Silver bow) from House P quest
+1 Disrupt kama seeker +2 lvl 12
+1 Para Kama tendon slice 4 % Human only lvl 12
+1 Vorp Kama tendon slice 4% lvl 14
Im also willing to trade the kamas listed for plain lvl 10 to use versions of same types para for para vorp for vorp disrupt for disrupt
contact me ingame on my tune Kommander or Violater Ill be online today after 6pm and most nights after 9:30 pm or send a pm