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I'm not sure of that ...
I mean, as long as 1 quest evolves as the "winner", won't it be the one we all run? Even if its just "barely" the best quest to run?
Isn't that why the current faves are the faves?
I guess what I'm saying is that no matter how much time they spend balancing the quests for XP & rewards, I suspect you're going to see the same result .... 1 quest becoming the "fave" that will be run over and over so that it becomes very efficient and the default.
I don't disagree with the underlying concern - we've got a ton of content out there that is not being played. I'm just not sure if "rebalancing" is the answer.
Perhaps switching loot & XP around 1/week or so would work. So in week #1 quests ABCD would have normal loot tables and normal XP, EFGH would have +1 loot +20% XP, IJKL would have +2 loot and +40% XP, but its not announced which is which. In week #2, you shuffle.
Then you might see folks running a wide variety of quests to discover that weeks' gems, and then those quests would be run alot that week by everyone (as the "gems" are discovered). The following week, you'd have the scramble, and then the focus on the gems of that week.
Or even 1/month. But something.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
I do think some quests give to little exp for the effort required to do them, on the other hand some quests are to easy, so when they adjust the hard ones they need to adjust the easy ones as well, adding exp and loot to some and subtracting from others.
Beware the Sleepeater
Perhaps switching loot & XP around 1/week or so would work. So in week #1 quests ABCD would have normal loot tables and normal XP, EFGH would have +1 loot +20% XP, IJKL would have +2 loot and +40% XP, but its not announced which is which. In week #2, you shuffle. This is a quote but I messed it up some how
This idea is so awesome we need to start a petition for this. Just imagine if this was implemented I would love to try other quests THIS IS A GREAT IDEA
The other SIGNIFICANT factor on which quests get run is the end rewards. Something like Freshen the Air has only generic End rewards, while something like Tangleroot has a whole slew of very nice low/midlevel useable end rewards. Same thing with Delaras and Co6, where some of those end rewards are still staples being used by tons of capped characters.
The design chose to give named rewards generally to quest chains instead of single one stop quests. Introducing unique end rewards to those quests would go a long way to bringing them back into vogue. Even the Necro quests have a very nice End Reward that you "build".
Imagine if one of the End Rewards from something like Proof in the Poison was a Ring: Immune to Poison, Acid Resist, ML Level 5 for example. That would be a very nice thing to have. I am sure we could all come up with a small handful of items that could drop from those quests. Since it would be bound loot, no AH issues or trading or twinking to worry about. Make the main boon be a lower or much lower ML on the item than you could otherwise get.
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
What and fix the grind? How could you even suggest something that doesn't have people repeating the same story and quest over and over again. Hell that just wouldn't be D&D. Or wait a minute... YES IT WOULD.
The fine points may be different, but all in all I applaud your concept. XP should just be upped in the flavor quests.
If the balancing gets quests within the 25% of the 1st time bonus range, it is more likely that a variety will be played and not just the one 1 fave. Right now, Stormcleave (or WW, or STK) on the 2nd and 3rd runs is better than anything else at that level of difficulty on the 1st run with the 25% bonus. That skew should at least be removed.
This is cool idea that I would be interested in seeing.