Working on a paly/bard build. the basis i have for it is great but its still lacking. Im going to go cha, con, dex, and shoot for a 12 wisdom. Im working off the drow for a race. I need to max cha (for spell points and difficulty/bonus smite damage). then con to stay standing upright. dex is going to need to be VERRY high for AC due to not being able to use anything better then light armor without the casting falure and for sneakyness. But, if im using high dex i wont be able to bring str high enough to use a 2 hander or even a shield/1 hander set up. So, i think i need to go TWF and weapon finesse to still be abel to hit. My design is for uber party buffs (songs/aura/buff spells), secondary healing (lay on hands/bard healing/UMD wands), CC (bard spells/fasinate), and burst melle damage (smite evil/turning and destroying undead).
Im thinking 1st lv feat weapon finesse (rapier (drow bonus to help)) then 3rd lv 2 wep fighting (duel rapiers (when i must march into ballte) and rapier/potency or devotion/power or wizadry) then 6th lv ??? (either extra SP feat or toughness for the paladin enhancement HP bonus) and from there i havent gotten to far though i know ITWF and GTWF will be needed to be stay useful in melle.
Any ideas to help out would be great. Also, im thinking to stick with a keen puncturing/thundering (elemenatl)bursting rapiers so when i do have to wiegh into melle i can further add to the burst damage build im using. (and i may be wrong but im under the impression when an enemy is held/fascinated/stunned that melle damage is auto-maticly a critical hit?(can anyone verify that?))