Trading any 3 (THREE) of the following items for a Wounding of puncture Returning dart or dagger non RR
+1Keen Great crossbow of Smiting with a 15 -20 crit range
+2 banishing returning hammer
+1 wounding of puncture composite shortbow
+1 banish Short sword
+1 Banish Hvy Repeater
+1 Flaming Greatsword of Disruption
+3 Greatsword of Greater Giant bane
+1 Greatsword of Smiting
+1 Banish PG hvy repeater human only lvl 10
+1 True Chaos Disrupt Hvy Repeater
+1 True Chaos Greater Undead Bane Hvy Repeater
+2 Holy Silver Longbow (named Silver bow) from House P quest
+1 Disrupt kama seeker +2
+1 Para Kama tendon slice 4 % Human only
+1 Vorp Kama tendon slice 4%
Contact me ingame on my tunes Kommander or Violater most evenings after 10:00 pm cst