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  1. #1
    Community Member Mindspat's Avatar
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    Default Not Enough Outdoor Casual Friendly Quests

    Running Cerulian Hills last night I had a few players in the group express their preference for this type of questing. They also voiced how they work 1 or 2 jobs and normally don't have but 45 minutes to play and that the outdoor areas are ideal to their regular gaming sessions.

    I've seen these views quite a bit. We don't only hear them from players actively playing DDO but also from ones who have tried it and couldn't find 2 hours to run a compelete quest.

    Please, we need MORE outdoor areas that support the players who might only have a short time to jump in and experiance the game. It also shows off the graphics and generates nice Oh's and Ah's which is a factor when someone talks about the game to someone else.

    p.s. I am not by definition a Casual player of DDO.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Cerulean Hills

    Low Level
    Searing Heights

    Mid Level
    Ataraxia's Haven
    Menechtarun Desert

    High Level

    There's a lot of this stuff already, even if you don't include the quests that are outdoors. More is nice (and more is coming) but quests are still where it is at in this game. They are what makes this game distinctive. You can run around outside farming trash mobs in any game.

  3. #3
    Community Member swooshrp's Avatar
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    I think the fundamental flaw in these explorer areas is that once you get all the explorer spots, even a majority of the rares, and during that time gain plenty of slayers to gain a few xp points there is little reason to go back to those areas.

    In otherwords, there is little reward to revisit these areas other than to goto a quest after you have done your 1 or 2 rounds of gaining the explorer spots and rares. The xp value for kills is not readily worth it after that.

    I would like to see some sort of change where worthy xp can be obtained after the initial run through. Maybe reset the slayer counts after 250 or something so that the xp is obtained easier as you progress instead of 250 than waiting to 1000 (I don't know the breakdown, but used 250 to 1000 as an example) whatever it is, I believe it to be too far apart to staying in the instance past the first 100 kills. Maybe a progression 10 kills to 250 than a tier 2 of 10 kills of 250 for more xp on the second tier.

    Anyone else with other ideas on how to make revisiting these areas a worth while cause?
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  4. #4
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    The xp is pretty substantial. Its not cost effective in a xp/hour sense, but then its mainly for spending time when you don't have a full group. Reaching 750 kills on one of the three mob sets in the Desert is 6600xp. Getting to 1500 or 3000 is pretty daunting, but the xp rewards for it are quite high. in the upper level zones (desert/gianthold/etc) you are getting good loot and often the shot at valuable named loot even if you have already killed a particular rare.

    The breakpoints are, just fyi, 10/25/50/100/200/400/750/1500/3000/5000.

  5. #5
    Community Member Frodo_Lives's Avatar
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    You can usually solo Tangleroot and clear the entire area (over 100 kills) in about 10 - 15 minutes on a decent solo class. In a group splitting into twos you can clear in less than 5.

    Even counting the time recalling, repairing, getting your spell points back and breaking and reforming you can hit the 750 in a couple of hours and usually by then you have all the rares and explorers as well.

    I find that Sorrowdusk is usually the same way (although a little longer to clear) and can result in some good xp, especially in that tough 10 - 11 range if you aren't really ready for Gianthold.

    I would absolutely agree that the xp per minute is no where near as effective or good as actual questing. But it is nice to do when you only have 20 minutes to spend.

  6. #6
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    The xp is pretty substantial. Its not cost effective in a xp/hour sense, but then its mainly for spending time when you don't have a full group. Reaching 750 kills on one of the three mob sets in the Desert is 6600xp. Getting to 1500 or 3000 is pretty daunting, but the xp rewards for it are quite high. in the upper level zones (desert/gianthold/etc) you are getting good loot and often the shot at valuable named loot even if you have already killed a particular rare.

    The breakpoints are, just fyi, 10/25/50/100/200/400/750/1500/3000/5000.
    If I had a limited wish I'd break up the slayer reward breakpoints more.. max gap of 250 or so.. and have the total xp stay the same.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Deaths_ward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moorewr View Post
    If I had a limited wish I'd break up the slayer reward breakpoints more.. max gap of 250 or so.. and have the total xp stay the same.
    I like that idea. Have a total amount of Xp for the Slayer levels, and divide it up something like this.

    Slayer of X: 16,850 Total
    -10: 100
    -25: 250
    -50: 500
    -100: 1,000
    -250: 2,000
    -500: 3,000
    -750: 4,000
    -1,000: 6,000

    Or with the exact same area just do xp per kill. When you round it down to a whole number the same Area X would be 16 per kill, at which point doing slayer seems just a we bit less tedious as you're constantly seeing the benefit of your effort.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    I'd really rather it wasn't xp per kill. I'd like it to stay attached to milestones of achievement. I do think that it would be reasonable to have points north of 750 divided up a bit more if the intention is that most folks do them. Though that could be tricky if folks expect each interval to give more xp than the previous one.

  9. #9
    Community Member Jerevon's Avatar
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    In all honestly, there are not enough quests period, in this game.
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  10. #10
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    why dot they just link all the wilderness areas together somehow and add too it a randome encounter table..i mean completely random ...not the go out and hope that name pops up stuff..but you walking and encounter a camp of gnolls holding a women prisoner..or you encounter a notorious murderer...u slay him and bring proof of his death and are rewarded kind of stuff

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    I would like to see xp per kill, tied to the level of the creature. If that doesn't happen I would be happy with the milestones being broken into reasonable chunks. Take the total xp, divide it up into 100 kill bites and give out that xp per 100 kills. I would also not put a limit. If you want to level up by killing a million beasties in the explorer areas go for it. It would make this type of 'questing' available for those that prefer it without removing anything from the more traditional quests.

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