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  1. #1
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    Default wilderness xp thresholds

    can we please normalize these to a more reasonable level? on some of them you can clear the map up to 20 times and get no xp for it. these are meant to give xp if you only have a few minutes to play yet once you hit a certain threshold you have to dedicate yourself to finishing it out.


    normalize them to pay out in increments of 100 with an escalating payout (same as current xp just not the major gaps that we have now)

    normalize it to where if you clear 75% of the map you get an xp level.

    so for example,

    waterworks (which has to be cleared 8 times for the last payout), it would be 20 per payout as there are 30 mobs + rares in the dungeon.

    sorrowdusk would be 80 as there are 116 mobs

    storms fist would be 75 as there are 96 plus the 8 respawns.

    storms eye would be 66 as there are 81 + the 3 respawns

    keep the same levels, but give xp each time for clearing 50% and 100% of the monsters on the map

    and on a secondary note, why are their mobs in the areas that don't count for slayer?
    in gianthold, the jaralith's don't count
    in the orchard, the dual kill guys only give you one kill
    Last edited by jkm; 04-08-2008 at 11:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    While I might dispute some of the numbers you cite, I do agree that providing more increments for slayer experience would be useful for a while number of reasons.

    At the top end areas, some people go to extra lengths to avoiding killing things after a certain point, having set up their characters for BOATLOADS of experience in very short order when a new level cap nears. That is how some characters were hitting level 16 within minutes of the new module hitting the servers. Set up Orchard, GH and desert at X-a couple Slayer levels and whamo, 2 new levels under your belt in minutes. Providing smaller increments makes this whole exercise in metagaming far less fruitful.

    It also serves to provide incremental benefits. However, I am not convinced that it needs to be set as fine as you indicate. Frankly most of the areas come close to capping out while you are hunting the rares without much extra effort, unless you get extra lucky on the rares. I had my Paly run Ataraxia's Haven and hit 9 of 10 rares on his first circuit, but that was very unusual.

    The first series of gaps 10, 25, 30, 100, 200, 400 and even 750 are not that bad. Subsequent gaps (and the very large EXP you get from them should be distributed better. Perhaps every 250 slayers at that point would be better.

    Right now going from 750 slayer in GH to 1500 gets you a 15,088 EXP award in each category. Split that into three awards at 1000, 1250 and 1500 for 5,000 each.

    It is possible to set up the Orchard for a slayer award of 59,040 EXP at 7500 kills. Doing loot and tap runs, I know many people who got well over 3000 kills. The Vale seems to be even more top heavy.

    Dropping the EXP increment to 250 means that someone has to work at it a bit, but that you can hit a EXP reward fairly often.

    Doing just EXplorer areas you could earn over 900,000 EXP without ever entering a quest....
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  3. #3
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    I think jkm is more specifically talking about relating the incremental Slayer XP directly to the possible number of monsters in a wilderness area. That way every wilderness area can be slayer XP capped in say 10 complete scrubbings of the landscape.

    Waterworks has at most 35 creatures and caps at 400 Slayer, therefore taking 11-13 visits to cap slayer.
    Cerulean Hills has between 80-110 creatures and also caps at 400 Slayer, therefore taking only 4-5 visits to cap slayer.

    As a solo player who needs to wait for zones to reset, where are you going to go for your wilderness XP?

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I'm on the long trek between 750 and 1500 kills in 3 different explorer areas, and it is a drag. Something in between would be nice. Every 100 makes sense (with the XP scaled appropriately). Even every 250 would be OK.

  5. #5
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariun View Post

    I'm on the long trek between 750 and 1500 kills in 3 different explorer areas, and it is a drag. Something in between would be nice. Every 100 makes sense (with the XP scaled appropriately). Even every 250 would be OK.
    same, but i don't really mind as it is quite a big payout of xp once you reach that 1500

    i would mind seeing 1000 added in as a milstone though, and reducing the amount of xp you get at 1500 to adjust for it
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  6. #6
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    I think jkm is more specifically talking about relating the incremental Slayer XP directly to the possible number of monsters in a wilderness area. That way every wilderness area can be slayer XP capped in say 10 complete scrubbings of the landscape.

    Waterworks has at most 35 creatures and caps at 400 Slayer, therefore taking 11-13 visits to cap slayer.
    Cerulean Hills has between 80-110 creatures and also caps at 400 Slayer, therefore taking only 4-5 visits to cap slayer.

    As a solo player who needs to wait for zones to reset, where are you going to go for your wilderness XP?
    yeah, next i was going to ask for a guy standing outside to reset the instance

  7. #7
    Community Member jkm's Avatar
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    to be specific, here are the areas that are problematic

    waterworks - 200 slayer to 400 slayer (~ 7 completions of the map)
    tangleroot - 750 to 1500 (~7 completions of the map)
    sorrowdusk - 750 to 1500 (~7 completions of the map)
    ataraxias - 750 to 1500 (~7 completions of the map)
    desert undead - 750 to 1500 (~10 completions of the map)
    desert undead - 1500 to 3000 (~20 completions of the map)
    desert scorrow - 750 to 1500 (~9 completions of the map)
    desert scorrow - 1500 to 3000 (~18 completions of the map)
    (compared with gnolls where this is less than 5)

    gianthold fist - 1500 to 3000 (~15 completions of the map)
    gianthold eye - 750 to 1500 (~10 completions of the map)
    gianthold eye - 1500 to 3000 (~20 completions of the map)

    gianthold, orchard and the vale - while it isn't necessarily difficult for a caster to pile up huge kills in here (my main is capped on all of them), for any other class, this can be a pretty tough challenge. lowering the payout intervals benefits these classes so that they don't just look at the 750 or 1500 to go number and just stop running it.

    benefits - the main benefit is helping mid range characters get through the dead zone (8-12).

  8. #8
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkm View Post
    yeah, next i was going to ask for a guy standing outside to reset the instance
    Actually this would help parties with members running off to refit and reload.

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