can we please normalize these to a more reasonable level? on some of them you can clear the map up to 20 times and get no xp for it. these are meant to give xp if you only have a few minutes to play yet once you hit a certain threshold you have to dedicate yourself to finishing it out.
normalize them to pay out in increments of 100 with an escalating payout (same as current xp just not the major gaps that we have now)
normalize it to where if you clear 75% of the map you get an xp level.
so for example,
waterworks (which has to be cleared 8 times for the last payout), it would be 20 per payout as there are 30 mobs + rares in the dungeon.
sorrowdusk would be 80 as there are 116 mobs
storms fist would be 75 as there are 96 plus the 8 respawns.
storms eye would be 66 as there are 81 + the 3 respawns
keep the same levels, but give xp each time for clearing 50% and 100% of the monsters on the map
and on a secondary note, why are their mobs in the areas that don't count for slayer?
in gianthold, the jaralith's don't count
in the orchard, the dual kill guys only give you one kill