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Thread: House and Mount

  1. #1
    Community Member Original's Avatar
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    Default House and Mount

    I haven't really seen anyone asking for there own house. I would love to have my own little crib where I could store all my junk. I end up selling most of my stuff, but If I had room I wouldn't. I don't think it would be too hard to add, since the children graphic games like EQ2 and WOW have.

    I would love for my halfling to ride around stormreach on his clawfoot dinosaur... just like in Eberron pnp. I understand it would be hard to implement mounted combat, but just to ride around town and give us like a %60 speed increase. Probaly could make it favor based just like everything else in this game.

    Just some ideas my little brain wishes.

    Has there been any talk about my wishes before?
    Englorious Basteurds - There the only ones who can put up with me.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Please don't waste resources on mounts. We don't need them. The town isn't big enough to need them in non combat areas and that's a good thing. Just add a cpl teleporters where they are missing and focus dev time on game content.

  3. #3
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Please don't waste resources on mounts. We don't need them. The town isn't big enough to need them in non combat areas and that's a good thing. Just add a cpl teleporters where they are missing and focus dev time on game content.
    I wonder if the Devs put a pony ride where the Bazaar used to be we could put this "mount" thing behind us once and for all?
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  4. #4
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    I thought that the Dev's have said something along the lines of mounts not being added to the game because the size of town is so small as it is. There are no long runs to quests (30 minute type of runs), and that it would be a waste of resources at this point. Similar things have been mentioned about the "Fly" spell too. As far as the personal house goes, I doubt that we'll be getting any for quite some time. The plans for guild housing will most likely go forward 1st, and that is a long way off still.
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

  5. #5
    Community Member Stonebread's Avatar
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    You get your "mount" at 150 House P favor. Not as pretty, but functionally equivalent.

  6. #6
    Community Member irivan's Avatar
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    Default Mounts, thoughts?

    First of all Hambo, you crack me up!!!!!!!


    I think mounts are entirely plausible, as is the fly spell, as are the projects (house).

    The devs should spend our hard earned cash on these things, its our money, and i do not buy the time and resources argument. We pay them to work on this game, not LTOR, or other projects. I know it is not only plausible, but possible, and in a timely fashion, we as DDO players just need to let them know this is what we want and they will deliver.

    Nothing like a united front.

    We can get that, and we can get the monk, and the druid, and all races, and houses, and unique loot, and new content, etc......

    If we all just ask and coinside with each other!!!!!

    C'mon Team!!!!!

  7. #7
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    No mounts until every other thing you mentioned, and some others, is added 1st. I'd much rather have more game to play before i can look _____ while riding some beastie around town. Just my 2 cp, but there ya go.
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

  8. #8
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Yes, Irivan, it is your money. But its also my money and I have absolutely no use for mounts and not much for personal housing. So... who's money takes priority?

    Mounts are entirely cosmetic. There's no where to go on them. In LotRO there are rides long enough to go afk and stuff is spread out so much you need three different teleport bind features on every high level character. In DDO, the run to Meridia is about the longest thing out there and its trivial by that scale.

    Fly spell is a quest breaking issue. The game would have to be totally rebuilt from lvl 5 up if Fly was added to it.

  9. #9
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    I also pay my money, find player housing pretty much pointless & do not see the need for mounts (even if one of my mains is a Paladin) so where does that leave the it's our money argument?
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  10. #10
    Community Member Vaypor's Avatar
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    I don't really want to see mounts. Where would you park it? Do all of the alts some has use the same mount? Will they get realistic enough to need street sweepers? As for housing, I'd only like more storage space. I'm a packrat. If it's a bank slot, or 3) that's all I'm looking for. If it's a house, ok, but then I'd have to look in the bank, in my house, and on my toon for stuff.

    Since it's my money as well, let's just get more content, and more bank and backpack slots.

    (This campaign ad paid for by the Packrats of Stormreach)
    Of course I can be in here, the door was clearly unlocked, and yes, I always dress in black and put shoe polish on my face.

  11. #11
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    House might be good but it will never be as good as swg had it, mounts I dont see the use of them here sorry.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  12. #12
    Founder Heladron's Avatar
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    I'd rather have a warehouse to store all my stuff in.

    I don't really see housing as useful other than for Role Playing. In EQ2 it kind of sucked paying rent when I was never at home. It was just a place to put those trinkets and to let my pets pee on the floor.

    EDIT: One thing I did like in EQ2 house was the safe for storing stuff and the ability to run a personal E-bay right out of my house.

  13. #13
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Cool i must ask

    where are you going to ride your horsey to p. what i would love to see is a large expansion and with that expansion area special area where you build build keeps and in those keeps build crafting devices, banks. houses and such since i am on a roll i would really love to see keeps that have been over run by mobs and quest to clear the mobs out of the keeps with very large raids that are only open to guilds so a person finds the quest radomaly then he goes on guild forums mounts a large guild raid then after the guild finishes the mission the guild takes over the keep and what would be special about that you would find old crafting device and other things that the guild could pool its plat to fix then the guild crafter would be able to craft things that you could craft no where else in the game and sell the crafted items to other players with the option the build things like banks defence becouse this is reclaimed i would love to see radom attacks on the keeps by dragons devils and such where only the guild memebers and hired guild hands could defend the guild lands. i could go on but you see the picture i know it never happen but i would love to log on onday and have my guild leader tell me to get back to are keeps its under attack by a black dragon or a army of undead.
    here to wishing p.

  14. #14
    Community Member logan5639's Avatar
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    i would love to see player and guild houses and real crafting like we had in SWG (weapon smiths,armorers, clothing/ jewlery crafters ).

  15. #15
    Community Member Jerevon's Avatar
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    I think mounts are a great idea, I'd like to see all kinds of mounts.
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  16. #16
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    fjust wanna put my two cents..

    first off..player housing pointless..i laugh at anyone who says this...common i am seriously running out of room in the bank and my mules are getting tired of hauling all my stuff around. seriously ive been playing since day one and i just have too much stuff..its getting harder and harder deciding what too sell and part with. plus id like a pretty place too settle down in once in a while.

    second mounts. though they are not usefull in getting around..they would be usefull in the wilderness areas and you get fighting bounuses from them also...and there are wilderness quests out there that they would be most usefull in. making mounts number one on the list to implement i think not though...but i would like too see them eventually. mounts are an important part of D&D though this is DDO i would like too see the game steer towards its roots..its bad enough we all play a game based on roleplaying and noone ever does anymore..i love this game but i would like too see more D&D and not its mutated cousin..but maybe its too late eh?

  17. #17
    Community Member esoitl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stonebread View Post
    You get your "mount" at 150 House P favor. Not as pretty, but functionally equivalent.
    very functional indeed

  18. #18
    Community Member Asirin's Avatar
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    Default Guild housing would be kinda nice...

    Assuming the guild earns it (some kinda favor system).Just think of the possibilities....with enuf favor a teleporter could be provided in-house to any part of Stormreach.Each guild member could recieve a trinket thats teleports him/her instantly to said house. long as I'm wishing a crafting Altar could be added to each Guildhouse as well as vendors banks and Pawnshops....

    I highly doubt I would ever see such a thing (there should be some kinda guild love somewhere) but I do however think Mounts would be kinda pointless...awesome..but pointless.

    (would like to give a shot out to Cow for the idea)
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  19. #19
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axebender View Post
    fjust wanna put my two cents..

    first off..player housing pointless..i laugh at anyone who says this...common i am seriously running out of room in the bank and my mules are getting tired of hauling all my stuff around. seriously ive been playing since day one and i just have too much stuff..its getting harder and harder deciding what too sell and part with. plus id like a pretty place too settle down in once in a while.

    second mounts. though they are not usefull in getting around..they would be usefull in the wilderness areas and you get fighting bounuses from them also...and there are wilderness quests out there that they would be most usefull in. making mounts number one on the list to implement i think not though...but i would like too see them eventually. mounts are an important part of D&D though this is DDO i would like too see the game steer towards its roots..its bad enough we all play a game based on roleplaying and noone ever does anymore..i love this game but i would like too see more D&D and not its mutated cousin..but maybe its too late eh?
    So.. housing is really just wanting more House K favor so you can get more bank slots.........

    And I can guarantee you that you wouldn't get fighting mounts. That would be huge nightmare to implement what with all the feats and skills they'd need to add, the folks whining because now there are mounts and their capped toons don't have Ride skill, not to mention the animations and combat stats of the animals themselves.

    Regarding roleplaying, there is a lot going on. But this is still an MMO and most folks play it like one. If you really want to RP, then join and RP guild.

  20. #20
    Community Member axebender's Avatar
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    your not telling me anything i dont knowbut as far as a nightmare for the devs too implement..i dont really car too hear thyat as it doesnt matter too me..i am a customer and i dont wish too hear we cant have something other mmos far as mounts not a priorety but wtill would like too see them..they dont nessasarily have too have a skill involved..ddo has changed many things that are not d&d like...crafting for example..not saying a mount is a must have in the game..but would be nice too see one day

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