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Wow, just read another 180+ post thread on Paladins. It seems this is a very hot topic. However, one issues I see over and over and over again is that the new enhancments are not enough... now before any reads no further and comments on that I in no way advocate one way or another on that issues...yet any way. The exhalted smites are two infrequent oweing to the fact they are one shot only. the rez abilities aren't needed etc. Having read all of this more then once one indisputable conclusion can be drawn. No one, sadly not even the devs it seems, knows where they wan't Paladins to go as a class. Some want to the enhancments and changes to smite to be bursts with cool downs like many shot (this would be going the dps route) (actually most if not all of us would like this), others want more spells added, and stll others seem to advocate being in the back role to everything is ok and the enhancemetns as they stand are ok. The Dev's with 2 polar opposite enhancement lines don't seem to know where they want to go with the Paladin either. With this in mind it seems that it is time to let the players decide much the same way bards can choose between warchanter, virtuoso and spellsinger. Thus I present two different, hopefully not over powered, Paladin prestige class enhancements.
Paladin Defender I: Your dedication to protecting the innocent has led to dedicate your prayers to becoming the last becon of hope when all else has failed. Your prayer were answered by your gods. You gain a permanent +1 to your BOG. Your power and holiness have seeped into your shield effectively doubling its base AC and Dr values. Your charisma modifier is multiplied by 1.5 for your saves now. You gain the defense stance ability.
Defensive Stance: Once per rest you may employ defensive stance. Your charisma modifier is added to your AC, your AC increase from blocking is doubled, and you have DR20. This effect lasts 30 seconds + your charimsa modifier x 5 seconds
Cost 6 AP, prereq of BOGIII, minimum level 12
Paladin Defender II: Adds another permanent +1 to you BOG. Defensive stance now useable twice per rest and lasts 30 seconds + charisma modifier x 10
Cost 2 AP, Minimum level 16, prereq of BOG IV
Paladin Captain: Your desire to destroy evil has led you to pray for the abilites to do so. Your prayers have been answered. The sheer terror you strike in beings of evil has led you to permanently add your charisma modifier to your attack and damage rolls. In addition your holiness radiates off of you and and creature of evil alignment suffers 2d6 holy damge on any hit they score upon you. Your save rolls are alos increase by 1.5 x charisma modifier.
In addition your gain the Righteous Sword ability
Once per rest you can enter a holy rage during this time your gain double your charisma modifier to hit and damage as well a temporary holy boost to Str and Con equal to 1/2 your charisma modifier. This effect lasts 30 sec + charisma modifier x 5 seconds.
AP cost 6, minimum level 12 pre req extra smite evil III
Paladin captain II: Your charisma modifier to attack and damage is now 1.50 and you can use righteous sword twice per rest and exten the duratin by 30 + charisma modifier x 10 seconds
AP 2, minimum level 16
Not perfect I am sure but feel free to complain, flame, praise etc. Just my two cent in trying to help.