Question 1
What is your least favorite DDO creature, and why?
Bugged Wraiths, with all the constant phasing in and out you can't kill em
Question 2
What are two things that would make you sad if they were ever changed? The Orthon Dance, and the House D weapon vendors (i know a few guildies would have no where to go in between quests )
Question 3
Do you enjoy reading the storyline of the quests? If so, what is your favorite quest story?
Yes I do, the VON series was great and started the Mantra "Must speak to Merak", usually said while the player rocks back and forth....
This week's question(s) are:
Question 1
Other than custom made equip-able treasure items (weapons, armor/robes, shields, accessories) what other things would you like to produce through crafting?
Not sure how you'd do this but maybe Inventory space.......
Question 2
What is one in-game "myth" that you find you frequently have to dispell? (example: Some players believe that their haggle skill affects the quality of the treasure they will receive in chests. This is incorrect)
Most myths have already been "dispelled"
Question 3
What is your favorite class (or class combination for you multi-classers) and why?
Paladin, this is a hangover from playing PnP where my Pally using a Holy Avenger (very generous DM) seriously ROCKED!!!!
Question 4
Pick one word...any word... but only one.