I'd just like to get some feedback from raging barbs...what kind of damage numbers do you get on this guy? If you would plz, list normal damage, crits, and what flavor weapon you use. Thanks!
I'd just like to get some feedback from raging barbs...what kind of damage numbers do you get on this guy? If you would plz, list normal damage, crits, and what flavor weapon you use. Thanks!
Using a Sword of Shadows as a capped level 16, you can see normal damage in the 30-60ish range and crits on up to 35% of your attacks for 150-200ish, depending on equipment and setup (ex: seeker, power attack enhancements, buffs such as bard buffs or prayer).
Using a +5 greataxe with no effects (such as holy/bursting/maiming/whatever), and using dorf axe enhancements, you can see normal damage in the 35-70ish range with crits on up to 25% of your attacks for 165-250ish (again, dependent on equipment, setup, and buffs). Then you can add in additional damage from special effects.
These are pretty round numbers, I'm guessing someone will come in with much more accurate data soon.
I use two transmuters: a +3 Khopesh of Backstab (+1) and a +4 Heavy Pick of Righteousness on the Pit Fiend.
I never really took note of hand-by-hand, but...
I believe the Khopesh hits for about high-30's to mid-40's and crits for about 110-120; the Pick hits for high-20's to mid-30's and crits for 130ish.
Really, the numbers fly by so fast with the # of attacks you get as a TWFer, so those are uncertain, but I think they're in range of what I've seen.
2hander (+1 transmuting of greater bane)
60-72 dmg, 30 glancing blow, 3-18 greater bane, often doing over 100 non crit
Crit: ~230
2weapons (dual +5 transmute dwarven axes)
Crit ~140
My 2handed guy does more dps due to his superior weapon and higher strength.
And on elite his AC can get high enough that the lower to hit score my twf guy has results in some misses for a big loss in dps. Tho with warchanter buff + armor destruct he hits everytime.
Well right now I have a +3 holy silver maul of pg. (yes I'm blunt specced) I'm not completely maxxed so you are going to find numbers higher than mine. (no bloodstone =( amongst others ) I hit for 55-64 on normal swings and 165-192 on crits, plus the holy and pg damage. I have a +10 seeker silver maul of pg that I could use for higher crits but it's not worth losing the holy damage on every swing with his fortification. You'll see better numbers than this, though you are going to see some people throw every damage modifier into their number (including glancing blows) and say that's standard damage and do it on every swing.