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Thread: Face Stab

  1. #1
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Face Stab

    As a Ranger in Coalescence Chamber and The Pit I yearned to use a one hit kill attack on every darn trog caster in the forking place. They really tick me right off! I wanted to take my wounding of puncturing rapier and put it to proper use, stabbing faces, but alas they took forever to kill, because troglodyte caster types have over 30 CON for some reason. Did they multiclass Barbarian?

    I seriously hate these troglodytes.

    Can I has a Face Stab attack nao plees? Unlimited use, just have to roll a critical or it misses, maybe? Ranger Only on Favored Enemy only? Size a factor? Or better yet, just take the casters out of Coal Chamber, reduce the amount of scorpions by 5 times, drop the amount of bats by one half and make the arrows the archers use Acid damage so it can be resisted.... and add happy dancing clowns in tutus dancing to circus music..

    My ranger: "I STAB YOU IN THE EYE!!!"
    Enemy Troglodyte: "Wh--- AAGH..... *thump*"

  2. #2
    Community Member Deaths_ward's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    As a Ranger in Coalescence Chamber and The Pit I yearned to use a one hit kill attack on every darn trog caster in the forking place. They really tick me right off! I wanted to take my wounding of puncturing rapier and put it to proper use, stabbing faces, but alas they took forever to kill, because troglodyte caster types have over 30 CON for some reason. Did they multiclass Barbarian?

    I seriously hate these troglodytes.

    Can I has a Face Stab attack nao plees? Unlimited use, just have to roll a critical or it misses, maybe? Ranger Only on Favored Enemy only? Size a factor? Or better yet, just take the casters out of Coal Chamber, reduce the amount of scorpions by 5 times, drop the amount of bats by one half and make the arrows the archers use Acid damage so it can be resisted.... and add happy dancing clowns in tutus dancing to circus music..

    My ranger: "I STAB YOU IN THE EYE!!!"
    Enemy Troglodyte: "Wh--- AAGH..... *thump*"
    You know, oddly enough I was looking at a ranger feat that forces any favored enemy a ranger strikes to roll a FORT save DC 10 + Total Damage or die. I think it was like level 18 Ranger Required though (so no splash builds), and required a couple other favored enemy boost feats.

    I also saw a line that turned your Favored Enemy into Lesser Bane, Bane, and Greater Bane effects, but alas it was Epic (Lvl 21 + feats)
    "At the end of all things, let it not be said that I didn't pull the switch that killed us all."

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