So you all may be thinking what is this idot talking about but with the current high end content I just want to point out the benefits of acid/elec.
-acid dot; with many mobs now immune or high resist to fire acid in mod 6 content is generally a better dot spell. Start out a big boss fight with a melfs and you will do more dmg per spell point than almost any other spell in the game, if it crits even better. and thats the weaker of the two spells acid fog is a great spell currently with the slow mobs effect plus increased miss chance that will stack with displacement and a pretty decent dot I always cast this on the pit fiend helping mitigat dmg and without crits about 20-30 dmg a tick not much but when crit i hit up to 100 per tick some decent dmg much better than sitting there flinging ice storm wands, which coincedentally you can still do while getting acid dmg.
-chain/ball lightning; once again with most mobs immune or highly resistant to fire these are now your best aoe dps spells. Chain lightning has a higher possible dmg than dfb due to no sup 7 items in game yet and it goes up to 20d6. Ball lightning is easier to land and does more dmg on most mod 6 mobs than cone of cold especially all the mobs that matter.
-lower firewall dmg; not really a con as its still pretty potent when called for I still use em fairly frequently especially in the middle of an acid fog. With my current setup unless the firewall crits ill generally do more dmg with this combo than my fire/cold specced sorc does.
-lack of non save dmg spells; this is probably the biggest issue but with a high enough dc it doesnt seem to matter too much scorching ray is nearly useless anymore due to resists applying to all three rays, wall of fire i can still use fairly effectively, I do use polar ray on fire eles and this is probably the biggest difference but not a gamebreaker.
So just some thoughts on the benefits of acid/elec anyone else switched over yet?