Hi there,
Looking to trade:
+1 Banishing Rapier of Righteousness
+1 Ghost Touch Shortbow of Disruption
+1 Vorpal Dwarven Axe of lesser Evil Outsider Bane
+3 Holy Burst Greataxe of Righteousness
Kardens Eye (+5 Resistance Trinket)
Shield Piece #8
No perm on any and no RR.
I am looking for:
-Tome Set (will trade all three for that)
+8 Armor Bracers (RR is fine)
some +2 tomes
+5 shocking burst rapier of pure good
+5 Lightning Guard / Acid Guard Mith FP / BP / Chain Shirt
Transmuting of Evil Outsider Bane slash or pierce
Scourge Choker
Alot of plat
PM here if interested.
Thanks, Illum