Ok, thought I`d throw this up to see if anyone is interested in anything I have.
What I have:
+1 heavy crossbow of smiting
+3 holy heavy mace of pure good
+3 flaming heavy mace of pure good
+2 flaming sickle of greater evil outsider bane
+1 acid greataxe of destruction
+5 shock dagger of shattlemantle
Gloves strength +5 perform +3 (rr human)
Boots dex +6 balance +3 (rr human)
Boots dex +5 movesilently +5(rr human)
Belt of the Seven Ideals
Mask charisma +5 concentration +3
Disease Imunity Belt of balance +10
Greater False Life belt
Cloak charisma +5 hide +3
Steady handed armbands
Mask charisma +5
Cloak of greater acid resistance
Superior Potency 1 ring(rr elf or drow)(slightly damaged)
Goggles Intelligence +5 of remove disease(1 charge)
Goggles Intelligence +5
Goggles Intelligence +6
Helm charisma +6
Ring of the Stormreaver prophecy
+3 fearsome mithral fullplate of lesser false life.
+1 charisma tome
4 Siberys Dragon shards
What I am looking for:
White and Blue dragon scales
shortswords or rapiers of greater bane(no rr or rr drow)
longbow of greater aberation bane(no rr or rr drow)
shortswords and rapiers of smiting, banishing, disruption(no rr or rr drow)
Disrupting bastard sword
Medium and large ingrediants
Major mnuemonic potions
If you are interested in anything post in this thread or pm me. Also looking for anything that is good for clerics or wf sorcerers.
*Edit* Thanks Lithic forgot that when I was posting this.