Title says it all, SUNDAY (changed from saturday, sorry about that. same time, 8 pm est, april 06) night Archmagi is gonna do an all warforged shroud completion. Death to the fleshlings!!!
The ideal make up of the party would be like 5 casters (with reconstruct loaded of course) and the rest barbarians, tanks, rogues, whatever. If you want a reserved slot, just say in this forum, the following people signed up so far are:
Magictoaster - Wizard
Stoneforged - Sorcerer
Rowanheal: rowanshadow rogue beautiful and pink
Fleshkiller 16 Wizard
Mykke - Barbarian
Ghoste, wizard 16
Tacile 13/2/1 Rogue/Ranger/Fighter or Ignot 15/1 Cleric/Paladin
Isindolph, Ranger
Pyropus - Wizard
Droidrage Barb 16
Last two spots at this point are subject to change, thanks guys for signing up