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  1. #1
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Default Our community. Let us not be...petty.

    I love this server. I started here and I will finish here.
    Ok...So I started on Aerenal...but now we are Sarona...
    All of us.

    I like the people, I am comfortable with the play style, I like it..

    However, there seems to be some issues.
    And...well...I guess some of us need to grow up. Prolly me.

    I was waiting for a group. I seem to do that a lot. Or solo.
    I went to the vendor in house D...nothing groups that need me..

    I decided to take a break. Watch a little icky TV. Move my computer to the office...Set up my office...Stop playing on the couch in front of the TV surrounded by soda cans and snack foods...<SIGH>

    When I got it set up I logged back in. I noticed that one of the characters was still there...hours later.
    In fact there were several of their guild...sitting there...

    I thought it odd.

    I commented to my guild on it.

    I read their bios.

    I commented to my guild on that also.

    One bio in particular bashed 3 other guilds.

    Hey! Are we not adults? Do we not have standards? Are we not above petty rivalries that deter from the game and slander others?

    Dont trust so and so...
    Longest quest time ever...

    Come on Sarlona? Should we behave as such?
    Is it worth it to post nasty remarks about others...whole groups of people just because someone made us mad?
    Is this the image anyone wants for their guild?
    Is the guild leader aware, that others are flavoring their guild with these comments?

    I played for a while. Did some soloing. Thought it over.
    Then I saw one of the members of one of the named guilds.
    I asked who their leader was and had intended to perhaps discuss it later.

    And then this guild leader sends me a tell asking me whats up.
    I mention the bio and he names the guild. Said he is aware of the conflict and that it doesn't bother him.

    So...who is it really hurting?
    The player getting known as a hater?
    The guild mentioned who's players always have demonstrated their talents and their attitude and ave never been found wanting?
    Or the guild, the player with the offending bio belonged to?

    And you might wonder...Why I have removed my guild from my bio...from my signature here on the forums...
    Obviously, because my opinion, my words, and my actions...I would never want to discrace my guild...Or lead others to think that one opinion is the guild's opinion...Even though I am an officer, I do not speak for them. No.
    I speak for myself only.

    No foul finger pointing in your bio please.
    It makes us all less than we are.
    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 04-04-2008 at 10:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Unfortunately I am a strong believer in making wise choices before pointing fingers, issuing statements, but once you do you should then stand by them steadfast.

    Also Never hiding my colors or my identity (Guild). If I make a mistake then of course apologies will be forthcoming.....we are human and errors can/will be made, but by the same human condition we are "supposedly" able to discern right from matter where the chips may fall.

    I refuse to drop my Alts and guild from sig. (It feels like hiding)
    Last edited by Dexxaan; 04-04-2008 at 12:05 PM.
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
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  3. #3
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    obviously...I have had problems in the past...I refuse to include others in my problems.
    Someone tried to get me kicked from my guild.
    And defamed my guild in the process.
    I will not be a the petty.

    I love my guild, my friends too much.

  4. #4
    Community Member mudfud's Avatar
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    People who put things in there bio like that ingame are usually insecure in there own positions within there guild.
    I know of the guild/person you speak of.
    It makes them feel above others by putting things like that in there bio, like they are the ultimate person/guild.
    But above all, it is against the game rules, and I have ingame reported him before for having it, even when not all guilds in his bio were listed.
    Either the gm's turn a blind eye, or just don't care.
    But if they don't I can't let it bother me. I keep doing what I do.

  5. #5
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    Although I am certain that I am not this person nor in his guild I do have my own opinion.

    I make fun of people becauses its funny. I do it at work and at home also. People make fun of me and I laugh. If anyone starts to cry over making fun of others then I avoid them, because they are not like me... an *******...

    Thank Asmodeus I am in a guild with other people who enjoy making fun of others and themselves. I thank the Dark Lord every night that this same guild happens to be pretty **** good at DDO.

    The morale?

    Do what I do and roll with the people that better suit you and be gods of your own kindgom. If you suck at the game or are sensitive about what other people say then surround yourself with other sucky people and cry together. In the end your ignorance of how the remaining game community operates may keep your spirits up. Once in a while when your froggy just adventure outside the castle walls to remind yourself why you're happy with your own little world.
    Eclave, Kaptann Insano, Phaera Xun, Apathy, Korvine, Soul.

    Yes it is true I am all of these awesome people.

  6. #6
    Community Member Nuckin's Avatar
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    As much as we always try to say that this is just a game its always more then that for most people, whether we play because we enjoy it, because we are old pnp players and still might be, or as a way to relax or to meet up and talk with our friends, there are always those few that take it way too seriously and disrupt the flow of the game.

    But without these few "ubertastic" people that go from game to game striving to be the best and bashing everyone not "worthy" we would be like the Perfect town in those old Walgreen's commercials, it would be boring.... not that i am agreeing that this behavior is acceptable or is in anyway how people should act towards other people i am just saying where there is kindness and sharing amongst civilized people there will always be those few that try to ruin it.

    Awhile back before the servers merged i personally went through this, I was always really bored so i spent most of my time in the pvp pit, through this I ended up gettin an entire guild to hate me and it eventually led to them dragging my guild into the problem that was between me and them, I soon after resigned from my guild so that my actions would not tarnish or reflect badly on my guild, i take responsibilities for my actions.

    There are so many things that happen and go on in this game that disgust me, like the recent female gamer night drama, I for one am strongly behind the idea and support their desire for a night away from us men and all of our naughty flirting, and the responses that i read in the other post that the op got through tells about it being sexist and how they would die really fast.... is a perfect example as to y they would want a day to themselves. I have had the pleasure of grouping with many of the female gamers across the server and have never been disappointed or left the party thinking wow that player is an a** like i do a lot of the times with male gamers, I am very impressed with every female gamers attitude towards the game and every player despite all of the pressure and bs they go through due to a certain kind of male gamer, I have been in groups with many female gamers that are hands down better then half of the male gamers on our servers and are really nice and kind about it and are just playing to have fun like we all should be doing, I am actually lucky enough to have one of these gamers in my guild and shes one of the best gamers i have played with along with her husband. Us guys could really learn a lot from the female gamers on our servers if we just calmed down and enjoyed the game like they do.

    So all in all there are many things that players do that are wrong and end up tarnishing our community, i mean are we really that uncivil that if we have a problem with someone that we need to trash talk them or post it in our bios for everyone to see instead of trying to work it out as civilized adults? I mean come on this isn't high school.

    And oh although i don't think i have really grouped with the op personally i have respect for her thru what i have heard about her from friends along with her posts that i have read, she has always been civil and taken responsibility for her actions and thoughts.
    Last edited by Nuckin; 04-05-2008 at 06:19 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuckin View Post
    As much as we always try to say that this is just a game its always more then that for most people, whether we play because we enjoy it, because we are old pnp players and still might be, or as a way to relax or to meet up and talk with our friends, there are always those few that take it way too seriously and disrupt the flow of the game.

    But without these few "ubertastic" people that go from game to game striving to be the best and bashing everyone not "worthy" we would be like the Perfect town in those old Walgreen's commercials, it would be boring.... not that i am agreeing that this behavior is acceptable or is in anyway how people should act towards other people i am just saying where there is kindness and sharing amongst civilized people there will always be those few that try to ruin it.

    Awhile back before the servers merged i personally went through this, I was always really bored so i spent most of my time in the pvp pit, through this I ended up gettin an entire guild to hate me and it eventually led to them dragging my guild into the problem that was between me and them, I soon after resigned from my guild so that my actions would not tarnish or reflect badly on my guild, i take responsibilities for my actions.
    Some of this doesn't make sense to me. Why would you quit your guild over this? When you compete with other players things are expected to get dirty. Your guild should support you through some of your mistakes. Maybe I dont understand the full problem? Taking something like PVP seriously and then resigning from your guild over some **** talk is what I consider taking the game to far.
    Eclave, Kaptann Insano, Phaera Xun, Apathy, Korvine, Soul.

    Yes it is true I am all of these awesome people.

  8. #8
    Community Member Nuckin's Avatar
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    yea u don't know the whole story its a lot more complicated then that lol and i didn't take the pvp thing seriously they did, and tried to tarnish the guild that i was in along with not talkin to me bout it but instead complaining to my guild leader and trying to have him take action against me. it was a huge conflict awhile back was tryin to use it as an example of how people can hold grudges and bash people over the stupidest stuff and act childishly about it, should have clarified more.

  9. #9


    It was probably me.

    I mean, I can barely stand grouping with me.

    p.s. Boomshakalak is maybe the single best name on our server!

  10. #10
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    So...your complaining that someone doesn't like other people and isn't afraid to be public about it.

  11. #11
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Was it really complaining?
    I know it wasn't crying...
    It was an informative statement.
    A story.
    No name calling. No finger pointing. No blame making.
    Just a statement.
    I was hoping to prevent future occurance of backety stabbing and embarrassing a whole guild full of people. Maybe even preventing both guilds losing face.
    or informing them it might just be bannable.

    Just a statement..
    Or maybe even a plea..for us to behave more like adults. In a game where adults and children both play together.

  12. #12
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dannon View Post
    So...your complaining that someone doesn't like other people and isn't afraid to be public about it.
    The OP was intended to get us to act a little more grown up.

    Obviously not everybody understood that.
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
    Dominici * Domminici * Domiinici * Dominnici * Dominicci * Dominicii
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  13. #13
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Some use the Bio section for listing trades, logging their own timers for raids, having a little story about their toons (a la role playing) or things of that nature. I am pretty cool with all of that. Personally, the only thing I list in my bio for my toons is that I am an officer of my guild so that potential recruits know I can invite them. There are others who list people's name that they killed in PvP, how much damage they did against a monster, other person's toon or whatnot. They list do not group with lists, how they don't like other people or guilds and other such hateful things. My only conclusion from this is that it makes them feel better or more powerful (even though this is just a game). I just don't have time for things like that personally. Indeed it gives me a chuckle. I also feel a little sorry for them.

  14. #14
    Community Member rockcrown's Avatar
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    I take a more positive outlook at peoples bio's.. First of all, I enjoy reading them. It usually gives me a laugh. If someone is badmouthing a guild or person in their bio, good for them! I certainly do not allow their comments to influence my opinion of that player/guild. Although, I may begin to form an opinon of the person with the bio. I try to play this game like I am in RL. Give everyone a chance until they rub me the wrong way.

    Their are definitely people in game that I may have butted heads with, but I wouldn't consider any of them my enemy. Would I badmouth them? no. Would I invite them to a party? probably not. But if I was in a PUG and they joined I wouldnt be a jerk. Lets just gett'r done!

    So I too don't agree with badmouthing anyone in chat/your bio. I think most of us, understand who truly looks bad (hint: not the person in the bio!)..
    Last edited by rockcrown; 04-09-2008 at 03:08 AM.
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