Mod5 started the shift, and Mod6 completes the changes the paradigm for the warrior priests of DDO. Even up to Gianthold, I felt that the sword or axe wielding clerics were comfortably superior to other builds in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Mod5 brought us the undead quests where feats such as Improved Crit: Slash were not near as effective. With Mod6, we have extremely inflated mob HP, very serious DR on mobs, enormous attack bonuses on mob To Hit, and other mechanics (like teleporting devils) that makes raw DPS via weapons far less appealing for the battle cleric.

At the same time, cleric spellcasting is at an all time high in utility. Blade Barrier is probably the best DPS spell in the game right now; Destruction and Banishment are both extraordinarily useful (if you can blast through the SR), and healing is truly at a premium in places like The Shroud or Running With Devils elite.

Nonetheless, there is still very much a place for the fighting priest -- and this is the build I would run (and will be, as soon as my Fred timers are up on all the feat swapping I have to do) post Mod6.

The Shaman: Post Mod-6
Level 16 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
(1 Paladin / 15 Cleric)

Strength 14 +6 item = 20 (+5)
Dexterity 8
Constitution 18 +2 enh +6 item = 26 (+8)
Intelligence 8 (1 skill pt/lvl)
Wisdom 18 +4 lvls +3 enh +1 tome +6 item = 32 (+11)
Charisma 6

You may put your +2 favor tome into either Str or Con, depending on your preference.

030 Heroic + Draconic
010 Pal 1
120 Clr 15
128 Con bonus
018 Toughness
050 Dwarven Toughness
018 Minos Legens
030 Greater False Life
404 HP

080 Magical Training
675 Cleric 15
264 Wis bonus, cleric
110 Wis bonus, paladin
110 EotZ IV
015 Dwarven Faith I
150 Wiz VI
1404 SP

Skills: 1 pt/lvl, so put enough to tumble in armor, and rest into Jump. With Quicken, you won't be needing Concentration skill.

1 Empower Healing
3 Extend <-- this could change to Empower once you're high enough level and don't care to extend things.
6 Toughness
9 Quicken
12 Maximize
15 Improved Crit: Piercing

[dwarf] - Constitution (Dwarven) I (2)
[dwarf] - Constitution (Dwarven) II (4)
[dwarf] - Faith I (1)
[dwarf] - Spell Defense I (1)
[dwarf] - Spell Defense II (2)
[dwarf] - Toughness (Dwarven) I (1)
[dwarf] - Toughness (Dwarven) II (2)
[dwarf] - Toughness (Dwarven) III (3)
[dwarf] - Toughness (Dwarven) IV (4)
[cleric] - Energy of the Zealot I (1)
[cleric] - Energy of the Zealot II (2)
[cleric] - Energy of the Zealot III (3)
[cleric] - Energy of the Zealot IV (4)
[cleric] - Life Magic I (1)
[cleric] - Life Magic II (2)
[cleric] - Life Magic III (3)
[cleric] - Life Magic IV (4)
[cleric] - Prayer of Life I (1)
[cleric] - Prayer of Life II (2)
[cleric] - Prayer of Life III (3)
[cleric] - Wand Mastery I (1)
[cleric] - Wand Mastery II (2)
[cleric] - Wand Mastery III (3)
[cleric] - Wisdom I (2)
[cleric] - Wisdom II (4)
[cleric] - Wisdom III (6)

Possible Gear Loadout: (Going with what I have and can get; YMMV)
Head: Minos Legens
Eyes: Greensteel Goggles (pos/neg -- Wiz VI, Poison/fear Immunity, Wisdom 6)
Neck: Con 6
Trinket: Head of GF/Featherfall
Cloak: Stormreaver Napkin
Body: Fearsome FP (Blue Dragonscale is ideal)
Bracer: Str 6
Gloves: Gauntlets of Eternity
Belt: GFL
Boots: Striding/Boots of Innocent
Ring1: Dex 6 (not that important -- if you can get Greater Dev VI in here, that'd be great)
Ring2: OPEN SLOT (Resist +4 would be ideal)

To Hit:
12 BAB
05 Str bonus
03 Divine Favor
04 Divine Power BAB adjustment
05 Weapon
04 Greater Hero
+33 on first swing

However, you are likely to be using something like a +3 puncturing rapier, so figure on +30 or so on the first swing. Of course, you can use Dwarven Axes, Greataxes, etc. as well if the situation calls for them.

AC is unimportant at the high end, but during levelling up, between Fullplate, Shield, Shield of Faith, etc., you should be fine. For example, say around lvl 6:

10 Base
12 Armor (+4 FP)
1 Dex (with House P buffs)
06 Shield (+4 HSS)
03 Shield of Faith
03 Barkskin potion
01 Paladin base aura
36 AC

That's pretty solid at lvl 6. At 9, can go with Chaosguarde and +5 armors for 40ish AC.


The Shaman is built for relevancy throughout its career. In the early game, the level of paladin allows for all martial weapon usage, making the early levels a breeze. In the midgame, the rocksolid heals, the offensive casting (Greater Command FTW) combined with reasonable beatdown ability (Divine Power @ lvl 8) creates a formidable battlecleric. In the endgame, the max Wisdom, Maximized Blade Barriers, etc. create an excellent casting/healing cleric platform -- that can still wade into the fighting game, but using puncturing rapiers, banishers, smiters, and vorpals.

The #1 variation I could see is to skip the level of Paladin -- you lose the usage of martial weapons, but become a stronger casting cleric. In such a case, IC: Piercing should be replaced by Empower Spell. I would advise against it only because some of the vale mobs have truly amazing SR, and without spell pen feats and enhancements, I believe it is more cost-effective to use things like banishing rapiers/ss/daggers (if you own them, of course).

The bias against battleclerics is wholly unwarranted, and frankly unreasonable. Avoid such groups, avoid such people, and show 'em who's boss.

Again, as always, playing this sort of cleric requires skill and focus -- but you really can do it all.
