Anyone want to 11 man tempest spine friday night with 11 clerics while we look for #12?
Was just wondering.
I'll take it.
What time?
Shinmafox - Paladin; Tsriel Z'Andakar - Ranger; Adeielody L'mor - Bard; Lyndaila Pureheart - Cleric
Gonna have to make a cleric on Argo for any future plans like this
Good luck and happy hunting
Of course I can be in here, the door was clearly unlocked, and yes, I always dress in black and put shoe polish on my face.
I made plans with my static group for Friday night, or I'd join you. If you want to make friday night cleric runs a regular thing, I'll set the time aside.
Argo: Belsher 8 fighter, Rents 13 cleric.
Bah, if you're gonna gather all the Clerics, might as well do a quest that's fun for Clerics, like Invaders!
Or, if you're not high enough for Invaders, think about an all Cleric VoN run. That oughta be a hootand clearly show your disdain for midlevel Cleric mistreatment.
Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 04-04-2008 at 09:10 AM.
I've not been mis-treated. Argo PUGs have taken great care of me. Special shout out to HolyBuck for showering me with CSW wands (2) and money (2kplat). One chap mailed me 10k in plat a few weeks ago, forget the name, but its written down, and he belonged to a guild called "A Universal Mind", so some props to the guild as well.
I just think a cleric only raid or group would be a blast. Like the Ranger/Rogue only threads I've seen. Heck, Rogues are more "needed" right now than a cleric. Those traps are *harsh* mistresses w/o a rogue to disarm them.
My guild has 4 members. I only PUG, and the midlevels have gone buy too quickly, there is a lot of content I'll have to do with my fighter. 3 barrel cove, Necropolis, House K quests etc. have all been missed.
Argo: Belsher 8 fighter, Rents 13 cleric.
if you fill it up and there are mid lvl clerics 10ish ide be down to start another group running around 1030 est
If ya give me a time I will be there as well...maybe a second group if needed?
(((((Argonessen)))))Raesal, Holypockets, Lashan, Levair, Siete, Woodhead
well, if there's not going to be a pony!!!! just kidding, this sounds like a lot of fun
Twas a nice sight to see.It's a shame I was already scheduled to lead favor/Pit runs before the Cleric walkout was posted.
And someone's gonna have to explain to me how to keep the LFM up after the party's filled.
Was freaking hilarious. Would like to say thanks to my guildies in Archmagi, and other friends for making it happen.
What's doubly funny was they starting getting the hate tells too. And Archmagi has never been very cordial in our replies to morons
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi
it was alot of fun 15 comet falls at the same time is a site to see, the mobs were on there butts the whole quest
akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable