Seeing the service Qwijy provides Khyber does make me feel that it is a better place with a better experience.
Calladan is my main hagglebot as well and was working out the best possible haggle he can get. If I am not mistaken getting Shopat a Charisma Haggleblade will improve his haggle further (by a +2). I am currently considering one for Calladan.
The Haggleblade would be a Greensteel Weapon of ( Ethereal + Escalation + Air ) X 3.
This would give at
1st Level +6 Cha for a total of +6 Cha
2nd Level +1 stackable Cha for a total of +7 Cha
3rd Level +2 stackable Cha for a total of +9 Cha
This +9 would increase your Charisma total to a possible 38 (assuming +3 tome) for a human haggler. Then you get the 2 pots of +3 eagle skill and +3 influence (another +3 to the cha). That brings your total to 80 i think.