freshly pulled +1 wounding of puncturing denswood reapeting heavy crossbow for trade
come heavy package must include w/p rapier
freshly pulled +1 wounding of puncturing denswood reapeting heavy crossbow for trade
come heavy package must include w/p rapier
That's what I was gonna say... as a repeater user, I would swap a rapier for that in a blink if I didn't had any W/P rptr yet......tho you must find someone dying for a repeater. Generally, you're gonna hear the usual "blablabla this isn't worth a rapier", which is totally an opinion and not a factBut looking for a package deal + a W/P rapier in it... you'd have to find someone affected by "Touch of Idiocy" in real life
If you can't find what you want for it, it's worth building a new toon just for it!
Free bump for this awesome weapon!
nope i mean i want at leat a w/p rapier and something else
W/P rapier and a masterwork docent?
Beerthirty / Martinitime / Fortyoz / Doctorfrank
Ordos Draconum
That wasn't the one on the AH for like 2 weeks for 2 mil plat BO was it?
Beerthirty / Martinitime / Fortyoz / Doctorfrank
Ordos Draconum
nope freshly pulled last nite end reward for rainbow
Let me think, w/p rapier that crits on a 15 or a w/p repeater that crits on a 19.
IMO no contest Rapier >>>> Repeater! GL on your trade.
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
Fixed that for you. The real weakness of the repeater is the reliance of ammo, run out, and then what? Also, they challenge of bypassing DR to make Wounding effective, otherwise you might as well just be using a puncturing repeater with some burst effect.
Clearly not on the level of a w/p rapier, but someone may want this more - ya never know.
[Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
[Davey•Khealer•Acapella•Parlospi•Godith•Gearey Gygax]
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traded thread closed
Its killing me, what did u get for the W/P Repeater???
igot a w/p rapier and a +2 str tome
I want a name!! A screenshot...something![]()
Faergen / Sumofa / Duerty / Tinkerin / Friggun / Boomquisha / Onree / Nytemaer / Daldaur / Shaqueeta
You probably ripped off someone who didnt know the value of a +2 str tome! I mean, i would trade 5 w/p reapeaters for a +2 str tome. I dont think its nice to do that, but im not you. And in my own opinion, its worth a w/p rapier, maybe 2 w/p rapiers if the guy REALLY need a repeater... Thats a rip off, and i dont like to see such things.
i never said such things, and BTW that was an exageration, you ever heard about that?
What i have said tho, is a w/p rapier for a w/p repeater is a fair deal, and if I would REALLY be in need of a repeater, I would pay 2 rapiers. Let me explain for you:
I am not in need of such an item, so I am not willing to pay 2 rapiers.
But, if someone want to trade MY (i dont actually own the item) w/p repeater and offers me a w/p rapier AND a +2 STR tome, i will feel bad for the guy and say him what he offers me is not a fair deal, if he keep saying that he wants THAT deal, then i will take it, but i wouldnt be happy to rip someone off.
I am really sorry if what i said wasnt clear enough for you.
An item is worth exactly what someone else is willing to trade for it. Personally, I wouldn't have made the trade as I value w/p rapiers higher than repeaters, which is just my opinion since someone clearly valued the repeater at a higher value.
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable