Background: I previously level up and later deleted my 2-handed fighting (ThF) Barbarian to make room for other builds. I’m now hoping to re-roll up another Barbarian to round out my stable of characters that I play. It seems the way to go now for max DPS (for pre-Gianthold quests; most of the Orchard quests) and stat damaging/vorpaling (Gianthold/Vale) is two-weapon fighting (TwF).
My goals:
1) Rogue2/Barbarian14 split, for increased self-sufficiency (VERY important to me) and functional evasion. I know it’s a sacrifice. I’m willing and prepared to make that sacrifice. Not negotiable.
2) Barb crit rage II.
3) End up with 500+hp when raged.
4) Warforged. My preferred character race - - - I also have accumulated much RR WF gear.
5) Use my bloodstone for extra DPS/confirm crits.
I’m seeking your wisdom regarding the likely outcome, in terms of your expectations in likely end-game DPS/kill counts for 2 basic builds from the forums that I’ve subsequently modified/tailored to fit my goals. I don’t have the inclination to level both up. Please help me decide which of the following builds I’d be most satisfied with, from a melee competitive kill count perspective:
Build 1, Oversized, two-weapon fighting evasion 32.WF Barbarian:
Base stats: S17 D17 C16 I8 W6 CH6
Endgame stats, raged, depending on endgame gear/tomes: S40-48+ D24 C34-42+ I8 W6 CH12.
Skills (with golden cartouche, + GH, +Rogue skill boostI for UMDboost): UMD ~29+, Intimidate ~27, Jump ~23, Balance ~19, OL ~35.
Feats, in order: Twf, PA, Oversized Twf, IC:Piercing, ITwf, GTwF.
HP: ~386base, ~458 raged, ~528+ double Madstone raged.
Note1, DPS: I won’t farm Litany of the Dead for two Deathnips. Out of the question. I will work to obtain the highest burster(s) heavy picks of maiming I can find to dual wield (+Bloodstone). I already have two Adoryn’ Malices (ady, greater construct bane) and 2 holy of greater undead bane light maces for portals or construct/undead smashing on my Ranger that I would swap over.
Note2: I also have some nice puncturing rapiers on my Ranger that I would swap over for end-game content that can be CON killed. My dual puncturing GTwf Ranger kills elite end-game mobs crazy fast. I also have various power V 1-handers.
Note3: I would basically plan on dual wielding fancy punctures that I already own on most end-game content that can be CON killed. Switch over to DPS for Red/purple names and crit immune mobs. Use Intimidate to draw/keep foes stationary next to me to maximize the number of hits I land without moving.
Build 2, Two-handed fighting evasion 32.WF Barbarian:
Base stats: S17 D14 C16 I9 (+1tome at creation) = 10 W6 CH12
Endgame stats, raged, depending on endgame gear/tomes: S40-48+ D20 C34-42+ I10 W8 CH 18.
Skills (with golden cartouche, + GH, +Rogue skill boostI for UMDboost): UMD ~32+, Diplomacy ~40, Jump ~23, Balance ~17, OL ~33.
Feats, in order: Thf, PA, Stunning blow, IC:Slashing, IThf, GThF.
HP: ~386base, ~458 raged, ~528+ double Madstone raged.
Note1: I would likely take a few PA enhancements to increase DPS further. At end-game, I suspect DPS is still viable via Stunning blow feat followed by a few huge crits from an enraged+power attack(+bloodstone) heavy hitter. This will be the plan of action: Stun/trip+heavy hitting on all non Red/purple named mobs. Red/purple named get the standard enraged beat-down. Too much agro: hit diplomacy.
Note2: I would farm a Sword of Shadows – as my primary general purpose DPS weapon - until I can craft a Tier3Greensteel weapon (not sure which way I would go). I already have a golf bag full of greater bane great axes and 2-handed power V’s when the situation would warrant it.
Note3: I know how to boost attack speed & DPS via glancing blows via twitch hitting (i.e., only use 1st two attack sequences, move slightly, repeat).
So please weigh in, based up the aforementioned builds/equipment I’ve put together, on which YOU think will be better in the competitive melee kill count department. They will be my builds, so player skill is equal for both.
Many thanks in advance.
Regards, -Daemonis.