IT'S SPRING CLEANING TIME AGAIN!! Time to clear out all the stuff I stashed away for a rainy day but ended up getting better anyway. So ...
All prices listed in Credits and are per item
In order of importance:
1 Large Scale = 2 Credit
1 Large (Arrow, Shrap, Stone, Bone) = 1 Credit
2 Funk = 1 Credit
5 Vales(no pebbles) = 1 Credit
50K pp = 1 Credit
Package discounts may apply.
Named & Other______________________________________________
2c - 2x Helm of Freewill, ML 11 -Afan/Evil
2c - Mummy Wrappings, ML 8 - Luci2
1c - Belt of Tongue, ML 13 -Luci2
1c -Ward of Undeath, ML 8 -Bot
1c -Shield of the Scorpion, ML 8 -Luci2
2c - Docent of Quickening, ML 12 -Dob
1c - 3x Bloodplate, ML 6 -Dob
3c - Shining Devastation, ML 14 -Evil
1c - Runed Ogre Femur, ML 12 -Dob
Clothes__________________________________________________ ___
3c - MONK OUTFIT: Lightning Guard, Greater Fire Resist (You know you want to melee the Pit Fiend in this), ML 12 - Luci2
2c - Gloves: DEX 6, DD 3, ML 15 -Bot
2c - Gloves: STR 6 -Evil
2c - 2x Gloves: DEX 6, ML 13 -Afan
1c - Cloak: CHA 6, ML 13 -Luci2
1c - 2x Cloak: CHA 6 -Afan
2c - Cloak: Prot 5, ML 13 -Afan
2c - Tiara: CHA 6, Intimidate +3, ML 15 -Afan
2c - Hat: 6 CHA, Haggle 3, ML 15 -Luci2
2c - Helm: Concentration 13, UWA, ML 15 -Evil
2c - Belt: CON 6, Light Fort, ML 15 -Afan
2c - Belt: CON 2, Greater False Life, ML 15 -Luci2
1c - Belt: Disease Immune, SR 19, ML 13 -Afan
1c - Belt: Heavy Fort, ML 11 -Afan
2c - Belt: Disease Immunity, Grtr False Life, ML 13 -Luci2
2c - Belt: CON 2, Heavy Fort, ML 15 - Bile
3c - Boots: Striding 30%, ML 13 (2 ticks) -Afan
2c - Boots: Strinding 30%, Swim 3, ML 15 - Luci2
1c - Boots: Jump 13, ML 13 -Afan
1c - Boot: 6 DEX, Balance 3, ML 15 -Luci2
1c - Boot: 6 DEX, Swim 3, ML 15 -Luci2
Jewelry__________________________________________________ __
2c - Necklace: Protection 5, Sacred ML 15 -Luci2
2c - Necklace: Protection 5, UWA, ML 15 -Afan
1c - Necklace: Protection 5, CON 1, ML 15 -Afan
1c - Necklace: Diplomacy 13, ML 13 -Afan
1c - Necklace: WIS 5, Shield 3/day, ML 13 -Afan
1c - Bracers: STR 6, ML 13 - Bile
3c - PoP X, ML 9 -Afan
4c - Ring: INT 6, ML 13 -Afan
4c - Ring: CHA 6, Hide 3, ML 15 -Luci2
3c - Ring: Heavy Fort, Disease Immunity, ML 13 -Evil
4c - Ring: INT 6, FF 3/day, ML 15 -Afan
2c - Ring: Disease Immune, Haggle +13, ML 15 -Afan
1c - Ring: Blindness Immune, DD +10, ML 13 -Afan
1c - Ring: Repair +15, ML 15 -Luci2
2c - Ring: STR 6, Lt Fort, ML 15 - Evil
1c - Goggles: Blindness Immune, Spot 10, ML 11 -Afan
Ranged__________________________________________________ __
3c - +1 Transmuting Longbow of Gtrt Dragon Bane, ML ?? -Bot
5c - +1 Ghost Touch Comp Shortbow of Grtr Undead Bane. ML 8 -Luci2
1c - +2 Banishing Shortbow of Decpetion, ML 14 -Bot
4c - +1 Frost Heavy Repeating Crossbow of Smiting, ML 14 - Afan
2c - +1 Disruption Longbow, ML 10 -Bot
2c - +2 Longbow of Smiting, ML 12 -Dob
2c - +2 Thundering Shortbow of Smiting, ML 14 -Dob
2c - +2 Cursespewing Darkwood Reapeating Light Xbow of Greater Giant Bane, ML 12 -Evil
1c - +1 Strength Sapping Shortbow Grtr Giant Bane, ML 14 -Dob
1c - +2 Acid Shortbow of Grtr Lawful Outsider Bane RR Human, ML 8 -Dob
1c - +5 Acid Longbow of Maiming, ML 12 -Dob
1c - +2 Keen Longbow of Grtr Animal Bane, ML 10 -Dob
1c - +4 Acid Longbow of Shattermantle, ML 10 -Dob
1c - +5 Frost Shortbow of BS1, ML 12 -Evil
Armor__________________________________________________ __
3c - 2x +5 Mithral Chain Shirt, ML 8 -Bot
3c - +5 Mithral Light Shield, ML 8 -Bot
3c - +5 Mithral Tower Shield, ML 8 -Dob
2c - +5 Adamantine Tower Shield, ML 8 -Dob
4c - +5 Adamantine Tower Shield of Bashing, ML 10 -Dob
2c - +3 Deathblock FP, ML 12 -Dob
Slashers__________________________________________________ __
2c - +5 Transmuting Bastard Sword, ML12 -Evil
1c - +1 Seeker 4 Dwarven Axe of Grtr Elemetal Bane, ML 10 -Evil
2c - +1 Crippling Dwarven Axe of Tendon Slice 10%, ML 12 -Evil
1c - +5 Transmuting Dwaven Axe RR Halfling!!, ML 10 for all you UMD ppl -Dob
1c - +3 Thundering Dwarven Axe of Grtr Gnoll Bane, ML 12 -Dob
1c - +3 Thundering Dwarven Axe of Grtr Goblinoid Bane, ML 12 -Dob
2c - +1 Acid Dwaven Axe of Smiting -Dob
1c - +4 Frost BattleAxe of PG, ML 10 -Dob
2c - +3 Transmuting Battleaxe of Grtr Elf Bane, ML 14 -Dob
1c - +2 Transmuting Battleaxe of Shattermantle, ML 12 -Dob
3c - +1 Shock Khopesh of Disruption, ML 12 -Dob
2c - +2 Paralyzing Khopesh, ML 12 -Dob
2c - +1 Shock Greatsword of Smiting, ML 12 (1 tick) -Evil
1c - +5 Frost Sickle of BS1, ML 12 -Evil
2c - +1 Anarchic Scimi of Grtr Lawful Outsider Bane, ML 10 -Luci2
1c - +5 Acid Flametouched Iron Great Sword, ML 10 -Dob
Other__________________________________________________ __
2c - +2 Banishing Quaterstaff, ML 12 - Get YOUR monk one today! -Evil
1c - +2 Acid Dagger of Grtr Chaotic Outsider Bane, ML 10 -Evil
1c - +5 Icy Burst Maul of Slowburst, ML 16 -Dob
2c - +1 Maladroit Heavy Mace of Bone Breaking. -Dob
1c - +2 Banishing Lt Mace of Righteousness, ML 14 -Dob
2c - +1 Transuting Silver Rapier of Puncturing, ML 8 - Luci2
2c - +1 Holy Rapier of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane, ML 10 - Bile
PM, Post, or /who Duckie (EvilDuckie, DuckieBot, BileDuckie) in game.