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  1. #21
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Im gonna reply to this old, decaying thread...cause I want to.

    I made my +9 CHA dagger, went +/+/+ and my drow sorc now has a 38 CHA (+2 tome used, thank you Vorn).
    First + give you +6 CHA, 2nd tier gives you +1 Exceptional bonus and 3rd tier gives you +2 Exceptional bonus for
    a total of +9 to CHA. The first +6 is just like a +6 CHA cloak, and it doesnt stack. The other two stack with everything
    except the same type of bonus (i.e +1 Exceptional CHA bonus wont stack with another +1 Exceptional CHA bonus, but
    will stack with +2 Exceptional CHA bonus).

    I finger everything, I think my FoD DC is 32 or 33. Running with the Devils elite I can finger most things in one shot, those
    pesky ghaels get disintegrated.

    Also, like Kargon said most of us use sup pot VI weapons and fire/ice lore. Most of our bonus to our spells comes from
    weapons we carry. I got myself the blue dragon robe for the spell pen and lore, so I dropped my spell pen dagger. And now I
    have my greensteel dagger in one hand and a sup pot VI dagger in the other, situationally Ill switch them out for my sup pot VI/fire
    lore combo...when I dont need DC's on my spells. I thought it would be more a pain than it is, but its really not. I hardly swap to
    fire lore/sup pot any more, and like the Desert when Im farming rings or bloodstones I dont need the +9 CHA dagger.

    Id recommend building this if you've eaten a +2/3 CHA tome...if not I wouldnt worry about it.

    Ive also built my goggles for +600 SP's...tier III hopefully finished tonight.

    Another thing you might want to look at is a helm Asp was talking about the other day, heavy fort, +5 pro and something
    like +45 HP's...nice replacement for the Minos Legens. Lemme see if I can find where he was talking about it.
    Last edited by Beherit_Baphomar; 04-12-2008 at 09:04 AM.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  2. #22
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    I have myself in a quandry but appears I am now as ready as I will ever be to effectively equipping a +Cha 3 dagger.

    I pulled the Belt of the 7 Ideals the other day in Gianthold Tor.. Improved Pot 7 and Spell Pen 7. I no longer have to equip a Spell Pen 7 Septor and that idea is easy enough, but right now I am not carrying a Superior Pot 6 either but combining a Fire Lore and Lightening Lore Item instead. I can Fod, Fts, etc. as before and have high crit chances on Fire and Elec, for a loss of 20% potency. I found I could not switch out between my spell pen, pot, and lore items most of the time anyway due to the fluidity of most situations, or I just plain forgot. If I could switch, and if there are some of you out there who can then my hat is off to you and I guess this would all be redundant.

    This sets me up for the +3 Charisma Dagger whicy will increase my DC by 3, and not lose Lore. 9% more crit chance and 50% more crit damage is very nice and and soon I will have 3 more DC from a green dagger. As Beherit just said, he's fingering devils on elite most of the time, and up to now in these forums, no one has said they could do that before. Cha has always been most Sorcs #1 priority, not for the extra 50 or 75 Sp that 6 Cha gets you, but for DC, imho. Add three to that, even the aoe's will hit much more often for full effect, bypassing relex saves. I believe pos pos pos on both the item and weapons will give two resurection clickies , without having to change out, which would be a good benefit to any party in the heat of an engagement. Like shroud the other night when we were one cleric and then two clerics down.

  3. #23
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    The biggest thing to think about is switching out yer daggers/sceptres...and like I said its really not an issue. And
    the little you do fire/ice spells you dont really need the CHA item, you dont need a boost to yer DC's, so you equip yer
    sup potVI and lore item, taking the CHA dagger off.

    Yer not firewalling in these new quests like you were previously. Its all about DC spells. So the higher yer CHA
    the more those will stick. Dancing balls, mind fogs, FoD and PK's etc.

    Reaver napkin is another good addition.

    Also another five or so feats would come in handy for those Spell Focus; XXX and Greater Spell Focus; XXX *sigh*
    One day maybe...
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  4. #24
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Beherit Baphomar View Post
    The biggest thing to think about is switching out yer daggers/sceptres...and like I said its really not an issue. And
    the little you do fire/ice spells you dont really need the CHA item, you dont need a boost to yer DC's, so you equip yer
    sup potVI and lore item, taking the CHA dagger off.

    Yer not firewalling in these new quests like you were previously. Its all about DC spells. So the higher yer CHA
    the more those will stick. Dancing balls, mind fogs, FoD and PK's etc.

    Reaver napkin is another good addition.

    Also another five or so feats would come in handy for those Spell Focus; XXX and Greater Spell Focus; XXX *sigh*
    One day maybe...
    Lol, ya, I took all the two Spell Pen feats and UMD and don't have room for Spell Focus. Have Cha cloak so cannot use the Napkin but picked up Necromany bracers for Necro and Transmutation. I pulled the Napkin the other other day and gave it to a Wiz who was in the raid actually. May live to regret that .

    I imagine your setup is what I'll be doing and appreciate the input. I guess having the Improved Pot VII will make the penalty of forgetting to swap in Superor Pot VI less painful, if I find myself doing that. There are some situations the fire and lightening is working real well, Necro quests come to mind. I'm having alot of fun learning the ins and outs of chain lightning. It does nasty damage and can span a very large area on the arcing, more than any other aoe spell. So much fun in fact I have some action points in Elec crit damge, crit chance, and 30% increased damage increase. Until we get more spells I will not be taking lvl 7 Delayed Blast Fireball, as have Dancing Ball and FoD.

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