I have a level 16 wizard and wanted to run up a second toon so I decided on a 14/2 Ranger Rogue: trap stopping, UMD using, ranged toon that could TWF when the going got tough. Well she is level 7.4 (6 ranger 1 rogue) can bust out traps as well or better than full rogues that I have ran with and UMD is 17 so I feel pretty good there. She is pretty tough with TWF will be better I think once I get tempest and Weap finesse added on. The issue I have is I took deepwood sniper and I am starting to think it sucks. Am I wrong? It does ok (not impressive) damage but I still miss with it sometimes, at current level with manyshot it's two arrows, and often when I hit it the thing I'm aiming at dies before the arrow leaves the string (dang guildie zerging melees LOL) Do others feel that this is gimped as you go up or does it become worth it? I didn't really want to go arcane archer because my brother is with his ranger and thought maybe I'd go the other way to compliment each other when we are running together. Should I dump it and go arcane even though I wasn't interested in it?

Since some will want to know stats with current equipment are 14 20 14 20 12 12.