NEW Paladin Redemption I
Cost: 4 Action Points
Prereq: Level 9 Paladin, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I, 28 Action Points Spent, Any one of: Paladin Devotion II, Paladin Heal II
Benefit: You can activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to raise the dead, returning your target to life at 10% health.
NEW Paladin Redemption II
Cost: 2 Action Points
Prereq: Level 14 Paladin, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II, Paladin Redemption I, 50 Action Points Spent, Any one of: Paladin Devotion III, Paladin Heal III
Benefit: You can activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to resurrect the dead, returning your target to life at 50% health.
NEW Paladin Redemption III (Not yet available)
Cost: 2 Action Points
Prereq: Level 19 Paladin, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands III, Paladin Redemption II, 70 Action Points Spent, Any one of: Paladin Devotion IV, Paladin Heal IV
Benefit: You can activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to true resurrect the dead, returning your target to life at 100% health.
nice to see some more coming out. this is perfect for my lvl 16. he is more of a "healing" paladin than a dps. Come on devs...just a couple more things and we should be set.