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  1. #21
    Community Member Vhlad's Avatar
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    Saying "are you sure" doesn't cut it.

    Any pop up would HAVE to include the name of the person you want to give it to. Otherwise it's pointless, since you may not even realise you missclicked. You may think, yes, im sure I want to allocate the loot to someone else, and go ahead with it, only to find you clicked on the wrong person.

    Another way is just add a timer to re-allocated loot. i.e. if it's not looted within 2 minutes, then it goes back to the person it originally dropped for.
    Or, when you re-allocate, instead of replacing your name it just adds another. So both you and someone else can loot the item.

    So we have:
    a) pop up confirmation with name included
    b) timer to pop the item back to original looter
    c) keep the original looters ability to loot the item
    Last edited by Vhlad/Sair; 04-21-2008 at 06:32 AM.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyfiel View Post
    Also, if said loot isn't removed within x minutes(say 5), it reverts back to it's original owner.
    This suggestion could lead to the same problem if the original owner recalls; hopefully they wouldn't leave until they saw the new owner pick it up. I'd agree with Vhlad's twist on this that both new owner and original owner could loot it, but that seems like it would be harder to implement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vhlad/Sair
    Saying "are you sure" doesn't cut it.
    Agreed. It would need to be like OP said and include at least the target player's name. Perhaps also the name of the item, though this doesn't seem to be as big of an issue. "Are you sure you want to assign <item> to <name>?"
    Last edited by Djinni; 04-21-2008 at 06:37 AM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Delaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vhlad/Sair View Post
    Another way is just add a timer to re-allocated loot. i.e. if it's not looted within 2 minutes, then it goes back to the person it originally dropped for.
    I totally agree with that option. No extra confirmation click, no extra work. If somethings goes wrong you just sit down and wat a bit. And we could even extend that system to all loot. How about 1 minute for bound items and 2~5 for regular stuff. Bound stuff need to be shorter sice many will be waiting for a chance to loot.

    So it would look like:

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  4. #24
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I like the idea. Had this happen when I pulled a Ring of Lies, transferred it, lagspike (probably caused by someone dropping as stated before) and OOPS - left it in the box for the wrong person.

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  5. #25
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    I thought a box to check, next to the person's name...

    Better yet, can we have a way to give multiple items to people...

    i know, you are all talking about raid loot but aI quest more than I raid.
    1. have the drop down box stay open
    2. have a box to check next to each item
    3. right click opens to an assign to window
    4. assign to window has a confirmation button
    5. next to confirmation button is an add all items button
    6. one of the options when chosing a name is "free for all" as in free to good home as in you can have it as in up for grabs..
    ever have that guy who says he will take anything no one wants and you look in the chest and it is full of scrolls and thowing items and...stuff you cannot will not use?

    would be a good way to make wure some one can loot your cast offs without being called back to the chest multiple times..
    and the up for grabs thing...just makes sense.

  6. #26
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    It would probably also help if when someone transfers you an item it would have a pop-up saying "so and so has given you such and such [item's icon]". And maybe have it auto-cancel your recall countdown timer if you are in the process of recalling.
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  7. #27
    Community Member JosephKell's Avatar
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    Instead of that, how about have people's names get removed from the allocate list if they are out of the instance?

  8. #28
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    While a confirmation would be a minimal acceptable solution (if it lists the user being assigned the item in large bold font), I think a better UI can be developed that doesn't require one. Coming up with a different layout for the user list could help avoid misclicks. Rendering a static list that doesn't modify and jiggle when people drop group would probably really help (I think that the suggestion to remove players from the allocate list is part of the problem as it can change the list right when you click). Players not in the instance or who drop group after the assignment dialog is displayed can be disabled (but not removed) but that doesn't help with the people who are recalling or clicking on the ddoor right when you are assigning.

    I also like some of the other suggestions that people have posted here:
    • Use a check box instead of a simple click.
    • A reversion model so that items return to a user if not claimed (perhaps this could be extended to allow items to revert to the last member of the party/in the quest for things unclaimed?).
    • Receiver confirmation with an auto "cancel assignment" timer.

  9. #29
    Founder EazyWeazy's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    I think this is a great idea.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Yuhjn's Avatar
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    I find it really funny that people object to this because "it's another dialog box i dont want to click on".

    They obviously say that without thinking much...

    How often do you actually trade BOUND RAID LOOT to another player? Once a week? Once a month?

    So lots and lots of people are getting burned and wasting their bound raid loot because of this "bug" and we can easily fix it with a dialog box you have to click once a month, and people are *****ing about adding ONE CLICK A MONTH?

    That's hysterical.

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