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Thread: Wizard or Sorc?

  1. #1
    Community Member gametap's Avatar
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    Default Wizard or Sorc?

    I'll give you the lowdown. I love the challenge of trying to solo, but I have a great guild that I like grouping with too.

    What are the pros and cons of these two classes and which would you suggest? (28pt build) (What race?)

  2. #2
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    28 point warforged wizard, or human sorc.

    I'm sure other will come in and fill in the details as to why

  3. #3
    Community Member WeaselKing's Avatar
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    Warforged wizard.

    I personally prefer the versatility of the wiazrd over the increased sp and faster casting speed of the sorc. You get more spells memmed at a time as a wiz, you can change spells out at will (at rest points) and you get spells sooner (every odd level rather than every even one from 4 on). I would recommend warforged because they can be healed with arcane spells, once you get reconstruct it is the only healing you will ever need, I crit for about 250 hp with the thing. I would recommend maxing int and con and putting the rest of the points where you see fit (str for carrying capacity and some weapon use, dex for AC and/or ranged fighting, wis for a higher will save, or chr to try to sneak in a little UMD).
    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    Please forgive my personal attack, I was high on Platypus Venom at the time.

  4. #4
    Community Member gametap's Avatar
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    Ok now a question is what is the difference between Spell Focus and Spell Pen?

  5. #5
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Default No easy answer.

    Wizard or a Sorcerer?

    Question: Should I make my first arcane caster as a Wizard or a Sorcerer?
    Answer: No easy answer.

    However, here's my advice:

    I would personally advocate building, capping, and earning your 1750 faction favor, if you haven’t already on another character, as a Wizard first to get a feel for your unique playing style, preferred skills/spells/metamagics, and to build some wealth with. Try everything out.

    After you have had a chance to try everything out, and you do tend to more or less employ the same spells or school of spells, such as direct damage (nuking) or charms, THEN a Sorcerer with the big spell point pool and faster spell cool downs (which is important for spamming those same, selected spells, over and over) may be the best fit for you.


    I will tell you that I have recently retired both my capped 32.WF Necromancer (Wizard) and 32.WF Sorcerer in favor of what I believe will be my personal best, the Stelemagus. The Stelemagus build (see WF Build Compendium link, as below) represents, for me, the culmination of my experience playing/tweaking many arcane builds based upon both the Drow/Warforged platforms and Wizardry/Sorcerery classes. Stelemagus was conceived, and was predicated on my belief that the versatile spell selection, meta-magic enhanced, self-sufficient, stealth- and UMD-capable Warforged Wizard offers maximum efficiency and effectiveness across a multitude of instances (i.e., when soloing, team quest adventuring, and PvP). I anticipate that the strategic power of Wizardry will become only more and more powerful as the game continues to mature (and more, more spells are added to the game). We also have reached the point, at the end game, where Wizards have “enough” spell points, especially when they employ AoE effects (single cast, many mobs effected) and utilize stealth skills.

    A final thought: If you enjoy complexity, quest to quest fine-tuning, and less-selfish cooperative team play (as you can select more party buffs), you will probably enjoy playing a Wizard more than a Sorcerer. On the other hand, if you won’t get bored spam casting the same selected spells, a Sorcerer with those same spells will likely do it better than you owing to faster spell cooldowns and 133% spell point pool. This latter contention is especially evident for nuking!

    Regards, -Daemonis.
    Last edited by Daemonis; 04-01-2008 at 02:10 PM.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  6. #6
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Tough call.
    I have both, and they are very differnet animals....but I built them differently.
    My Wiz was first Drow as well. Gave her a high dex and Wep finesse. She's very generic, and not really speciallised in anything.....Wiz's get lot of skill I made her stealthy. Wiz's get lots of spell she also has enlarge spell.
    she can be an assassin, a light tank......adaptable to any dungeon and quickly adapatable to rule changes.
    Lots of spells.....can carry all the buffs, knock, DD, teleport.....and still have room for CC and FOD.

    My Sorc was made second, but on another 28pt elf. Max Char. She can cast real fast!.....real fast. She has a ton of SP. I made her CC specced....enchanter build mostly. Didn't have any buffs in her ealry days, but I've tried to give her some lately.
    Without SP she is not good at all.
    With SP....well.....she spams CC spells at an amazing rate and is a lot of fun to play.
    She has to pick and choose her spels carefully. Try to balance them so she has something in any situation. Not much room for feats.......or skill points. I feel very limited with her because of that.
    But at some point I discovered UMD!
    with all that Char Sorcs can have a pretty good UMD skill.
    That means wand healing.......and even raise dead scrolls. Nice....I ask clerics for very little. And have raised many a cleric (at great cost)

    really depends on personal preference.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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