+2 banishing heavy mace of animal bane, how much do you think this is worth
+2 banishing heavy mace of animal bane, how much do you think this is worth
drspikey 16 elven cleric (kyhber)/Melheno 4 Monk (kyhber)/dagarnus 8 drow wizard (kyhber)/seasick ranger5/rouge2/fighter1/ Daemonson ranger 6 (kyhber)proud member of the dragon renaissance broterhood / knights of the goldon blade
30k plat?
50, maybe?
Blunt banishers don't sell well, since most characters are not spec'd for blunt.
not really anyhting at alll
banishing mace is only 20 crit
animal bane is stu[id, no animals
THE Hand of the Black Tower Member
Kamboe ~ 16.9 Drow Sorc 35 Cha 2195 Sp [=+=] Inflict ~ 16.9 Dwarf Cleric 418 Hp 1535 Mana
Camboe ~ 16.9 Bard/Fighter 32 Str [=+=] Minimum ~ 16.9 Halfling Ftr 384 Hp
drspikey 16 elven cleric (kyhber)/Melheno 4 Monk (kyhber)/dagarnus 8 drow wizard (kyhber)/seasick ranger5/rouge2/fighter1/ Daemonson ranger 6 (kyhber)proud member of the dragon renaissance broterhood / knights of the goldon blade
Ya.....that's what vorpals and banishers are for..... animal bane sucks anyway unless its greater and most things out i nthe vale are banishable..
Vendor fodder, lol. You'll find banishing maces there all the time, and I just pass them by
Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
Juxta//Pigsticker//Stealyour// Internet
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