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It's really just the nature of the mods. Mod 5 was designed in a way where casters blew everyone away. Mod 6 shroud gives that role to DPS barbs/rangers (AC and saves don't matter).
I disagree. While talking about melee, barbs and rangers, and fighters for that matter, have been ahead of paladins since the cap was 10.
If they fill a mod with choas orbs, beholders, anti magic zones, casters that spam greater command, etc, then paladins would be quite the asset.
Again, I disagree. If they filled a zone w/ anti magic, I'd much, much rather the barb than the paladin. Where does the barb rely on his combat ability? From his rage. That can't be dispelled. The paladin's already anaemic combat ability would be further weakend by having his DF useless.
And beholders? Again, I'd much rather a barb go up against a beholder than a paladin. A beholder is deadly from neg leveling. You need to kill the beholder before it neg. lvls you to death, or down to make your saves useless when it FTS's you or something. A barb. is much better at this task. And if you take things such as the beholder optic nerve into account, barbs are even better, b/c they have the better chance of killing the beholder before the charges on his item are expended.
And barbs will saves are perfectly fine when raged. Grtr command is one of the last things I'm worried about when on my barb. And when leading parties through the shroud, I'll gladly put the barbs on the gnoll in part 2.
I think leaving the current smite alone, but giving the paladin a % chance per hit to deliver an exalted smite would be more fun than a clicky they need to spam.
I agree, making all the paladin combat clicky based is annoying, and a mistake.
A lot of rangers don't like mashing the deepwood sniper button for example, so it would be nice if they didn't start adding more button mashy enhancements (I don't use auto attack so I mash keys enough). Haste boost for example causes a 1 second attack delay after use and sometimes you have to stop attacking for it to even register and go off. I'm not sure if exalted smite is integrated nicely like trip or stunning blow and causes no delay (hopefully it's like that) or if it's lame like the boost clickies, but nonetheless a % chance would be less aggravating than a clicky spam. We're spamming enough with trip, stunning blow, sunder, cleave/great cleave, etc. There's not enough mouse side buttons for more!