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    Hall of Famer
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    Default 3-31-08 WDA From Codemasters

    Maintinace must be taking up Quarions TIme right now.... WDA is up onthe COdemaster Site..


    Monks have been added to the game as a new playable class!

    UI Improvements

    A confirmation dialog has been added to the Default button in the Options UI.

    There are now 20 shortcut bars available, for those who carry too many clickies/weapons/spells to fit on 10. Those of you who had previously used the unsupported methods of accessing bars 11-20 will be happy to know that they now will remember where you put them on the screen.

    When examined, some scrolls did not display their level 16 UMD class requirement. This has been fixed.

    Quest portal info screen text has changed. It now shows the quest difficulty along with the level.

    A new click and hold to attack option has been added to the game and is defaulted to on.

    NEW The Finished button in the quest objectives panel will no longer be grayed out if the player is resurrected after quest completion.

    NEW If your shopping cart is empty, the buy/sell/repair button will be grayed out to prevent confusion.

    General Spell Changes

    The turn-you-to-stone effects used by elder earth elementals and stone scorpions are now named "Petrify" so as not to confuse warforged who are immune to "flesh to stone", but not to these effects.

    When you summon a monster into your own persistent AOE (cloudkill, blade barrier, wall of fire, etc), it will no longer take damage on arriving in the world.

    NEW Sound Burst has had its spell description changed to reflect the fact that the stun effect can be resisted using Spell resistance.

    NEW Some spells which had been able to affect foes through doors and force fields now do a better job of checking line of sight.

    Skills, Feats, & Abilities
    General Feat Changes

    Insightful Reflexes and Force of Personality feats previously required that you logout and login to take effect; now they take effect immediately.

    NEW The fascinate feat for bards now has a will saving throw. The DC is the bard's perform skill plus a d20.

    NEW Barbarian/Rogue multi-class characters will now get a uses per day of uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge based on the sum of their rogue and barbarian levels.

    NEW Shield Mastery, Improved Shield Mastery, and Dwarven Shield Mastery now only apply when blocking with a shield. Two weapon blocking has been updated to give +2DR when blocking, only when using two weapons.

    NEW Wizards now receive Simple Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed, as no classes should receive a non-proficiency penalty with natural weapons.

    New Feats

    The following general changes have been made to existing enhancements:

    The costs of Halfling Cunning I - III and Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I - III have been reduced to 1 action point per level.

    The bonus granted by Rogue Sneak Attack Training has been increased to 3 points of sneak attack damage per level.

    Rogue Way of the Assassin I now grants a passive +4 bonus to sneak attack damage in addition to its other effects.

    The effect of Paladin Divine Righteousness I, Rogue Way of the Assassin I active abilities, and Rogue Way of the Thief-Acrobat I "show time" now lasts 60 seconds instead of 20 seconds.

    Barbarian and Rogue Trap Sense enhancements now grant a +2 bonus to saves vs. traps per level instead of +1.

    Paladin Bulwark of Good and Resistance of Good costs reduced to 1 point per level

    Paladin Focus of Good now grants +3, +6, or +9 to Concentration checks.

    Paladin Courage of Good now grants +2, +4, or +6 to Fear saves.

    The following iconic monk feats have been added to the game:

    Purity of Body – You are immune to all forms of disease, including magical or supernatural diseases.

    Wholeness of Body – Permits a monk to regain health over time.

    Diamond Body – You have mastered your metabolism, and are immune to poison.

    Timeless Body – Your body and soul are your own, and you do not create spawn effects should you fall in combat with the undead. NOTE: This is a level 17 feat, available to level 17 Monks and higher.

    Still Mind and Fast Movement for the monk have been added to the game.

    New Enhancements

    Halfling Cunning IV

    Cost: 4 Action Points

    Prereqs: Level 14 Halfling, Halfling Cunning III, 48 action points spent.

    Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls when flanking an enemy, bringing the total increase to 4.

    Halfling Guile I

    Cost: 1 Action Point

    Prereqs: Level 3 Halfling, Halfling Cunning I, 7 action points spent.

    Benefit: You gain +2 to your sneak attack damage and +1 to bluff.

    Halfling Guile II

    Cost: 2 Action Points

    Prereqs: Level 7 Halfling, Halfling Cunning II, Halfling Guile I, 22 action points spent.

    Benefit: You gain an additional +2 to your sneak attack damage, bringing the total increase to 4, and an additional +1 to bluff, bringing the total increase to 2.

    Halfling Guile III

    Cost: 3 Action Points

    Prereqs: Level 11 Halfling, Halfling Cunning III, Halfling Guile II, 37 action points spent.

    Benefit: You gain an additional +2 to your sneak attack damage, bringing the total increase to 6, and an additional +1 to bluff, bringing the total increase to 3.

    Halfling Guile IV

    Cost: 4 Action Points

    Prereqs: Level 15 Halfling, Halfling Cunning IV, Halfling Guile III, 52 action points spent.

    Benefit: You gain an additional +2 to your sneak attack damage, bringing the total increase to 8, and an additional +1 to bluff, bringing the total increase to 4.

    UPDATED Paladin Bulwark of Good IV:

    Cost: 4 Action Points

    Prereqs: Level 15 Paladin, Paladin Bulwark of Good III, 52 action points spent.

    Benefit: Your aura of good provides an additional +4 Armor Class bonus.

    Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy IV:

    Cost: 4 Action Points

    Prereqs: Level 14 Rogue, Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy III, 48 action points spent.

    Benefit: You gain an additional +1 bonus to hit with your sneak attacks.

    UPDATED Paladin Divine Sacrifice I

    Prereq: Paladin level 5, Paladin Extra Smiting I, 15 Action Points spent

    Cost: 1 Action Point

    Benefit: Giving up some of your life force to win the battle, you empower your next blow against your foe. This attack deals an additional 5d6 Good damage to evil opponents and increases the critical multiplier of your weapon by 1, but costs you 10 hp and 1 sp, whether or not the attack is successful.". (6 second cooldown.)

    UPDATED Rogue Wrack Construct I

    Prereq: Rogue level 3, Rogue Disable Device I, 7 Action Points Spent

    Cost: 1 Action Point

    Benefit: You can activate this ability to use your understanding of mechanical objects and their vulnerabilities to strike at critical points in a construct's anatomy, dealing an extra 1d6 damage to constructs or living constructs. (6 second cool-down.)

    Rogue Wrack Construct II

    Prereq: Rogue level 7, Rogue Disable Device II, Rogue Wrack Construct I, 22 Action Points Spent

    Cost: 2 Action Points

    Benefit: You can activate this ability to use your understanding of mechanical objects and their vulnerabilities to strike at critical points in a construct's anatomy, dealing an extra 3d6 damage to constructs or living constructs.

    Rogue Wrack Construct III

    Prereq: Rogue level 11, Rogue Disable Device III, Rogue Wrack Construct II, 37 Action Points Spent

    Cost: 3 Action Points

    Benefit: You can activate this ability to use your understanding of mechanical objects and their vulnerabilities to strike at critical points in a construct's anatomy, dealing an extra 5d6 damage to constructs or living constructs.

    NEW Paladin Exalted Smite I:

    Cost: 1 Action Point

    Prereq: Level 6 Paladin, Paladin Divine Sacrifice I, 19 Action Points Spent

    Benefit: Using this attack, you call on the paladin's ability to strike down evil creatures, gaining twice your Charisma bonus to your attack roll, a damage bonus based on your paladin level, and +1 to your weapon's critical damage multiplier. (6 second cool-down, uses smites per day, replaces Smite Evil.)

    NEW Paladin Exalted Smite II:

    Cost: 2 Action Points

    Prereq: Level 10 Paladin, Paladin Exalted Smite I, Paladin Extra Smite III, 34 Action Points Spent

    Benefit: Using this attack, you call on the paladin's ability to strike down evil creatures, gaining twice your Charisma bonus to your attack roll, a damage bonus based on your paladin level, and +1 to your weapon's critical threat range and damage multiplier.

    NEW Paladin Exalted Smite III:

    Cost: 3 Action Points

    Prereq: Level 14 Paladin, Paladin Exalted Smite II, Paladin Extra Smite IV, 49 Action Points Spent

    Benefit: Using this attack, you call on the paladin's ability to strike down evil creatures, gaining twice your Charisma bonus to your attack roll, a damage bonus based on your paladin level, and +1 to your weapon's critical threat range and +2 to your weapon's critical damage multiplier.

    NEW Paladin Exalted Smite IV:

    Cost: 4 Action Points

    Prereq: Level 18 Paladin, Paladin Exalted Smite III, Paladin Extra Smite IV, 64 Action Points Spent

    Benefit: Using this attack, you call on the paladin's ability to strike down evil creatures, gaining twice your Charisma bonus to your attack roll, a damage bonus based on your paladin level, and +2 to your weapon's critical threat range and damage multiplier. (Yes, we realize you can't get this yet, but it will wait patiently for you to hit level 18.)

    NEW Rogue Way of the Assassin II

    Cost: 2 Action Points

    Prereq: Rogue Level 12, Rogue Way of the Assassin I, Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy III, Rogue Sneak Attack Training III, 42 Action Points Spent

    Benefit: Grants an additional +4 bonus to Sneak Attack Damage, +2 bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently skills and a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves against poison. Also grants the ability to make devastating melee attacks that can kill a living target instantly on a successful sneak attack if the target fails a Fortitude save, DC 10 + Rogue Level + Int Modifier. Even on a successful save, the target takes increased sneak attack damage. (10 second cool-down, no times per day limit, can only be used when sneak attacking.)

    NEW Paladin Redemption I

    Cost: 4 Action Points

    Prereq: Level 9 Paladin, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I, 28 Action Points Spent, Any one of: Paladin Devotion II, Paladin Heal II

    Benefit: You can activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to raise the dead, returning your target to life at 10% health.

    NEW Paladin Redemption II

    Cost: 2 Action Points

    Prereq: Level 14 Paladin, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II, Paladin Redemption I, 50 Action Points Spent, Any one of: Paladin Devotion III, Paladin Heal III

    Benefit: You can activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to resurrect the dead, returning your target to life at 50% health.

    NEW Paladin Redemption III (Not yet available)

    Cost: 2 Action Points

    Prereq: Level 19 Paladin, Paladin Extra Lay on Hands III, Paladin Redemption II, 70 Action Points Spent, Any one of: Paladin Devotion IV, Paladin Heal IV

    Benefit: You can activate this ability and expend one use of Lay on Hands to true resurrect the dead, returning your target to life at 100% health.

    NEW Rogue Way of the Thief Acrobat II

    Cost: 2 Action Points

    Prereq: Rogue Level 12, Rogue Way of the Thief Acrobat I, Rogue Dexterity III, 42 Action Points Spent

    Benefit: Grants an additional +2 bonus to Balance, Jump, and Tumble skills, increases your movement rate by 10%, and 2 extra uses per rest of Uncanny Dodge. Also grants a greater increase to attack speed with staves and complete immunity to knockdown effects and slippery surfaces.

    Note: Final values on all of these enhancements are still subject to change based on play-testing.

    NEW Rogue Way of the Mechanic II is still in development.

    General Enhancement Changes

    Weapons conjured by the Holy Sword spell and arrows created by the Arcane Archer enhancement are no longer destroyed at the end of a dungeon. These items now persist until you have been logged out for half an hour or more.

    The costs of Halfling Cunning I - III and Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I - III have been reduced to 1 action point per level.

    The bonus granted by Rogue Sneak Attack Training has been increased to 3 points of sneak attack damage per level.

    Rogue Way of the Assassin I now grants a passive +4 bonus to sneak attack damage in addition to its other effects.

    The effect of Paladin Divine Righteousness I, Rogue Way of the Assassin I active abilities, and Rogue Way of the Thief-Acrobat I "Show time" now lasts 60 seconds instead of 20 seconds.

    Barbarian and Rogue Trap Sense enhancements now grant a +2 bonus to saves vs. traps per level instead of +1.

    Paladin Faith II enhancements dropped to level 6 (with appropriate drops in "Action Points Spent" requirements), to match the Cleric Faith II enhancements.

    NEW Paladin auras now stack better -- previously, if two paladins who had taken different enhancements that affected their auras stood next to you, you would only benefit from one of their auras. Now, you will gain the highest AC bonus from any nearby paladin, the highest save bonus from any nearby paladin, etc.

    NEW Cost of Paladin Divine Righteousness I reduced to 1 Action Point.

    NEW Rogue Way of the Thief Acrobat I now grants increased attack speed with staves.

    NEW Unarmed attacks now do damage when you cleave, whirlwind attack, and great cleave. Additionally, the following active attack feats will apply your maximum attack combo bonus when you execute an attack with them: Hamstring, Stunning Blow, Slicing Blow, Sap, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder, Quivering Palm, and Stunning Fist.

    Paladin Faith II enhancements dropped to level 6 (with appropriate drops in "Action Points Spent" requirements), to match the Cleric Faith II enhancements.


    Bursting weapons now continue to increase their damage if they "burst" on an attack that has greater than a x4 damage multiplier.

    Several new chain shirt appearances have been added to the treasure tables.

    Gem and collectible bags now have an "auto-gather" feature that can be turned on. Whenever the player picks up a collectible or gem, it will go into a collectible or gem bag if there is room, when enabled. Auto-gathering prefers bags that already have a stack of the picked up item over bags that do not have any.

    Weapons conjured by the Holy Sword spell and arrows created by the Arcane Archer enhancement are no longer destroyed at the end of a dungeon. These items now persist until you have been logged out for half an hour or more.

    Several new chain shirt appearances have been added to the treasure tables.

    The names of some item effects have been changed to avoid confusion with similarly named enhancements. The effects themselves remain the same. "Improved Maximize I", "Improved Enlarge I", "Improved Extend I", "Improved Empower II", and "Improved Empower Healing I" have been renamed to "Spell Point Discount - Maximize I", "Spell Point Discount - Enlarge I", "Spell Point Discount - Extend I", "Spell Point Discount - Empower II", and "Spell Point Discount - Empower Healing I".

    The following potions are now equipped with funnels so they can be used on afflicted friends: Potion of Fear Removal, Potion of Poison Neutralization, Potion of Blindness Removal, Potion of Curse Removal, Potion of Disease Removal, Woodblossom Mead, and Crimson Nightshade Infusion. The new funnels are especially easy to use so raging barbarians should have no problems with them.

    NEW A new item honoring Gary Gygax, has been added to the Delera's end reward list. "Voice of the Master" grants +5% XP to dungeon completion, and "Good Luck +1" to skill checks and saves.

    NEW All of the various energy absorption treasure effects used by the M6 raid loot (Fire Absorption - 10%, Negative Energy Absorption - 10%, etc.) have been fixed so that they absorb the proper amount of incoming damage.

    NEW Shields now can be randomly generated with a much wider range of enchantments.


    Dispel magic no longer dispels ogre and troll rage.

    A few wight priests will no longer cast cure spells on themselves.

    NEW If a teleporting monster gets himself into water, he will now properly teleport home and heal himself.

    NEW Previously, if you summoned a scorpion with "summon monster 2", enemy monsters might continue to attack it while it was burrowed. This should no longer happen (they might attack it as it is doing the burrowing animation, but won't chase it around while it is underground).

    NEW Previously, some Orcs would stand around doing nothing (most notably Orc Rangers). Now they should work.

    NEW Tieflings are now correctly immune to hold person and other spells that should not work on outsiders.

    NEW Two of the shroud lieutenants were not properly buffing their pals; their boss has smacked them around a bit, and now they will play better with others.


    The Shroud

    The agents of the twelve have been studying the shroud and report a shift in the 13th moon. They speculate the moon of death’s influence will wan in the northwest part of the valley.

    Twilight Canyon

    The way to the upper levels will now only open for players who speak to Paetus after he has been rescued.

    Sands of Menechtarun

    All zombies in the Menechtarun area now drop the special desert tokens instead of regular collectibles.

    Orchard of the Macabre

    A named rare blackbone skeleton in the Orchard of the Macabre now casts spells.

    The Catacombs

    NEW Oozes and slimes have disappeared but, other vermin may lurk in the shadows.


    The potion vendor ogre in Gianthold now sells potions of Lesser Restoration.

    The arcane scroll vendor for level 4 and 5 scrolls in House Jorasco no longer sells any level 3 scrolls.

    NEW Soul gems will now appear under the Ingredients category in the auction house.

    Other Changes

    If you had unlocked the bonus character slot from 1750 favor, it would intermittently not show up. That should no longer happen.

    Previously, some poison dart traps (in the Sunken Sewer, for example) would damage warforged (and others wearing poison immunity items) despite their poison immunity. This should no longer happen. Similarly, there were a few dart traps that did fire/sonic/cold/etc damage, which would bypass appropriate damage resistances. This should also no longer happen.

    The save DC's on traps that scale with difficulty have been lowered on Hard and Elite. Elite trap save DC's are now roughly equivalent to what Hard trap save DC's were before this change. (For example, a trap that previously had a save DC of 30 on Elite will now be DC 22.) Spot, search, disable, and damage values remain unchanged.

    It is now easier to see when standing in an incendiary cloud

    Scrolls that were missing a level 16 UMD class requirement will now display correctly when examined.

    Bidding on an item from the Bids page of the auction house that you have been outbid on will no longer result in an error message.

    Players who perish in either the realm of Dolurrh in Desecrated Temple or in the fire rooms in Rainbow in Dark will no longer leave their soul stones behind when they teleport out.

    AOE buff spells cast in tavern brawl pits will now hit yourself (but not anyone else, since everyone else in the pit is your enemy!)

    When wielding a finesse weapon, the to-hit value in the Inventory panel will now correctly display using your Dex mod if your Dex mod is greater then you Str mod.

    Previously, the DC listed for combat feat tooltips did not include bonuses from enhancements and feats. This was a visual glitch only; they were still being added to the actual DC in combat. This is now fixed.

    The fire effect for a minotaur shaman staff no longer hangs in the air after it has been shattered with a cold spell.

    The teleport bug in The Shadow Crypt where the camera detaches and is floating in water has been fixed.

    Ritual Sacrifice: Killing Ramak Orenah before the objective to do so appears, will no longer result in a broken quest.

    Sirroco will now cause blindness only on critical hits, as per the description.

    A visual bug was fixed where the XP or SP graphic bars would be in the wrong position, if your XP or SP changed in both directions rapidly. For example, if you were damaged, at the same time you were healed, the bar would move the the wrong position, however, the XP value shown would have been correct.

    Previously, spell focus: transmutation was not working. Now it works.

    It is no longer possible to break some quests by having a pet trigger a monster entry.

    The black abbot goggle effect will no longer persist if the goggles are destroyed while you are wearing them.

    Bidding on an item that you have been outbid on, from the bids page of the auction house no longer results in an error message.

    The description for the "Improved Uncanny Dodge" feat has been corrected; it now states correctly that the feat gives +6 to reflex saves.

    The Lesser, Improved, and Greater Regeneration raid loot effects have been fixed so you no longer have to re-equip the items after zoning to get the effect reapplied.

    It is now easier to see when standing in an incindeary cloud.

    NEW Previously, some poison dart traps (in the Sunken Sewer, for example) would damage warforged (and others wearing poison immunity items) despite their poison immunity. This should no longer happen. Similarly, there were a few dart traps that did fire/sonic/cold/etc damage, which would bypass appropriate damage resistances. This should also no longer happen.

    NEW If you had unlocked the bonus character slot from 1750 favor, it would randomly not show up. That should no longer happen.

    NEW Ladders in the following dungeons have been fixed: Redfang, ShanToKor part 1 - The Kobold's Blockade, Stop Hazadill’s Shipment, Garrison’s Missing Pack, The Waterworks part 1, Waterworks part 2, Waterworks Adventure Zone, Delera's Part 1.

    NEW Players above the quest level limit for slayer, explorer, and rare encounter quests can now advance these quests to completion, but will be receive reduced XP (XP Gained = XP For Goal / (Levels Over Cap + 1)). Any other players present in the area who are not above the quest level limit will not have their quests advanced. No change has been made for groups of players who are all within the min-max level range for an area. The spammy text alerts warning players their quest is not advancing have been replaced with static informational alerts.

    NEW While in a live event area (the one that allows spell casting in public areas), you no longer take the death penalty and death wear.

    NEW Some areas of the game are a bit foggier because of the battles that have been occurring there.7.7
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  2. #2
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Holy **** bard songs now have a will save! That's going to make some people regret one level of bard.

    There is a lot of Paladin love in that WDA.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
    Beware My Gifts!!!

  3. #3
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    Holy **** bard songs now have a will save! That's going to make some people regret one level of bard.

    There is a lot of Paladin love in that WDA.
    Y'know, I think that was my exact thoughts also...
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  4. #4
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Funny that was not my thought. My thought was wow playing a cleric is going to suck now.
    Clerics of Fernia
    King of Stormreach
    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  5. #5
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    Those are some fairly significant changes. Way of the Assassin 2 actually has pre-reqs that are good?!?!? Knockdown immunity from Way of the Acrobat! Perform has a use finally!
    Last edited by Strykersz; 03-31-2008 at 01:16 PM.

  6. #6
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    Bad news for bards that didn't keep their perform skill maxxed.

    I like that new way of the assassin enhancement.

  7. #7
    Hatchery Founder
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    I wonder, what's the big problem with Way of the Mechanic II?
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
    Member of the DDO Player Council

    Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
    Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer

  8. #8
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    I like most the Rogue and Paladin stuff, and to be honest kinda saw the save on fascinate coming.
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  9. #9
    Developer Eladrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coldin View Post
    I wonder, what's the big problem with Way of the Mechanic II?
    The thing I originally wanted it to do was so cool that we decided to polish it more and give it to all Rogues in a future update.

  10. #10
    Hall of Famer
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    I didnt see anything that indicated a problem with WotM II, It says its still in devleopment.... Not through alpha yet.. THats all.

    WotA II is Awesome.... Been wanting something like this for rogues for a LONG time.... Pretty sweet.

    ALl Kinds of Coolness....
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  11. #11
    Developer Eladrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Bad news for bards that didn't keep their perform skill maxxed.
    It's sort of a technicality. It's a save DC with a d20 involved. Bards with low perform skill can still grab a high-Perform item and be essentially fine.

  12. #12
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Funny that was not my thought. My thought was wow playing a cleric is going to suck now.
    Actually my first thought was - In what interesting way will Cowenicus ***** and moan about this WDA?
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
    Beware My Gifts!!!

  13. #13
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    NEW Some spells which had been able to affect foes through doors and force fields now do a better job of checking line of sight.
    lol... Nice change. BB the door now goes the way of CK the door

    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    NEW The fascinate feat for bards now has a will saving throw. The DC is the bard's perform skill plus a d20.
    Guess there is a point for all those perform items now

    I'm not sure it makes sense though.... Wouldn't it make more sense for the DC to be constant and the beasties roll a save against it (ie - the way it works with the rest of spells). So make the DC 10 + bard level + perform skill or even just DC 10 + perform skill.

    It probably should have some enhancement options too...

  14. #14
    Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    It's sort of a technicality. It's a save DC with a d20 involved. Bards with low perform skill can still grab a high-Perform item and be essentially fine.
    True.. If you took a Level of Bard at L1 your C can still be pretty high.... Most likelyyou have a Decent CHR as well..

    4(L1 Perform Skill) +5(20 CHR?) +13(Item.. very COmmon now) +2 Head of GOod Fortune = 24+d20. Shoudl still facinate almost anything in the game.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  15. #15
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    Holy **** bard songs now have a will save! That's going to make some people regret one level of bard.

    There is a lot of Paladin love in that WDA.
    Yeah the save for Fascinate was just a matter of time imho.

    Really like some of the paly add-ons though. As a no rogue/no UMD having paly, I really like the look of that redemption line. Smite enhancements look like a step in the right direction too, now we jus have to get rid of the uses per rest and put it to cooldown only.

    They arent just token changes though, was kinda afraid thats what they'd be. All appearences they will fit into just about any paly build nicely.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The thing I originally wanted it to do was so cool that we decided to polish it more and give it to all Rogues in a future update.
    Well if all rogues will get it, what about those that took way of the mechanic? We want a II'd tier!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    It's sort of a technicality. It's a save DC with a d20 involved. Bards with low perform skill can still grab a high-Perform item and be essentially fine.
    El, I am pretty sure there are a good number of bards out there with minimum skill points devoted to fascinate, and many more that don't wear a perform item at all. I'm not saying this is a bad change, I'm just saying that people are going to pay for their build decisions.

  17. #17
    Founder Cutedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    NEW Players above the quest level limit for slayer, explorer, and rare encounter quests can now advance these quests to completion, but will be receive reduced XP (XP Gained = XP For Goal / (Levels Over Cap + 1)). Any other players present in the area who are not above the quest level limit will not have their quests advanced. No change has been made for groups of players who are all within the min-max level range for an area. The spammy text alerts warning players their quest is not advancing have been replaced with static informational alerts.
    This is pretty sweet, especially since I know there was a big uproar from a few people who would have quests in their log that they couldn't complete.

    Time to take my level 16 and own Searing Heights.
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  18. #18
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    It's sort of a technicality. It's a save DC with a d20 involved. Bards with low perform skill can still grab a high-Perform item and be essentially fine.
    Is it going to be a will save?

    Oh, and since the down side of facinate used to be that it took forever and that helped offset the no save... can we speed up the facinate effect so that its more on par with spell casting time for say mass hold or mass charm?

  19. #19
    Community Member artvan_delet's Avatar
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    Default Some pally love

    I like that BOG 4 and Exalted Smite 3 require high level paladins. Nice additions. If we're stuck with the smite mechanic, then the exalted smite is certainly an improvement.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The thing I originally wanted it to do was so cool that we decided to polish it more and give it to all Rogues in a future update.

    ...I'm sorry, but I see how awesome Way of the Assassin II and Way of the Thief-Acrobat II are and I really want to see what my Way of the Mechanic rogue has to look forward to. If you're going to give the WotM II thing to all rogues, will Way of the Mechanic rogues ever get a WotM II enhancement?

    And just what is this thing that is so cool anyway, that it's now delayed two Mods?

    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    I didnt see anything that indicated a problem with WotM II, It says its still in devleopment.... Not through alpha yet.. THats all.
    More just meant "Why's this taking so long?"
    Last edited by Coldin; 03-31-2008 at 01:30 PM.
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